Personal Recognition?

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Personal Recognition?

Postby MountaineerLax on Wed Apr 13, 2005 8:39 pm

I always thought the league, any conference we're talking about, and any team, has always been "the players' team". Our product as a league depends on the players.

The MDIA end of the year awards ceremony is great, not because of the presentation, but because of the amount of players that show up for it. Which says to me that the awards actually do mean something in this league. And this league, hasn't banked on that yet. In whole, the most amazing part of the year is the Championship week and the only time we're ever really in the limelight, and it's faint at that. I know Sonny has been working his ass off for everyone, and if he could go fulltime... we'd be on our way.

But... we need more, more for our players.

Every website should have a section like the RMLC's ( that highlights players in an interview type thing.

I know for a fact that inside lacrosse has invited us to send more articles, photos, etc., I spoke to them personally. Apparantly they get things in from time to time, but nothing consistent, and that's what they're looking for. I would be willing to work with anyone from any conference in this - if interested.

Vail Tournament - I know the RMLC used to run a team, and they're talking about it again. But until it's an honor to play on the team, it's not a surprise that they get blown out. I'd love to see a Vail Team for every conference in the MDIA.

QUALITY awards from every conference. I've seen some pretty sad awards around the league - t-shirts and what not - I mean come on...

We need to make sure our "employees", so to speak, are happy and proud to play in the league. Kids like Lindenwood's Towson transfer are expecting big things from us, or else he never would have left Towson. And we've got kids leaving the MDIA for Towson (Kyle Fiat)... maybe i'm cracked out but that's what I think we need.

But don't get me wrong, I think we're going in that direction - you can tell by the greatness of the national tournament and this killer website (thanks again Sonny).

Sorry that was so long...
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Postby MinesGoallie45 on Wed Apr 13, 2005 10:36 pm

David, im totally there with you....

I have been trying hard to get this Vail thing together and like its not coming together at all...I am about ready to get ahold of the lady running it all and turn in our spot, which wont be too good because I fought hard to get it. I have had no interest. I would be down for making it an all Div B team if we wanted, it doesnt matter to me. If we could get the top 4 or 5 players from each conference, that would be awesome.

There does need to be some changes though, I agree with you Dave
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Postby Weberlax12 on Wed Apr 13, 2005 11:13 pm

I agree and I love the RMLC site becuase of all the things that it has like its profiles were they talk about a certian player for that week and what he has done.

I also understand totally with what your going throung MinesGoallie, some kids want to know what's in it for them. llike with me starting Webers team or like your Vail team that you are trying to put together, you should have to turn people away. I play for the love of the game. I dont care if I am benefited from it or not all I care about is that I am playing, yet some players will always be both ways.
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Postby NELAX21 on Thu Apr 14, 2005 2:31 pm

i think that have every league in the MDIA would be awsome! i played in vail on the nor-cal all star team and it was an awsome expeience. If every league could put together a team to send there i think it would be one of the best turnements out there.
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Postby Kyle Berggren on Thu Apr 14, 2005 2:40 pm

Not to be the downer, but it will be tough. People work, and people are playing in different Summer leagues, sometimes people just want the time off. It would be an honor to play for that team, but so is USA West, which is much more organized, and offers great coaching.

Team Nirvana at Vail is almost completely MDIA kids, quite a few from the PNCLL, but I guess they are now alumni and not what you're looking for....
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Postby MountaineerLax on Thu Apr 14, 2005 6:16 pm

Yea sure USA West is great.... but this wouldn't cost you $2000.... and how many guys do they swallow up from the MDIA? 25? 30? There are still plenty of guys in the pool - through the nation.
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Postby TrojanLaxman5 on Fri Apr 15, 2005 1:17 am

MountaineerLax wrote:Yea sure USA West is great.... but this wouldn't cost you $2000.... and how many guys do they swallow up from the MDIA? 25? 30?

Ha, $2K would be a deal... It was $3,000 last year and I heard it's even more this year. I still think it was a bargain for the once in a lifetime experience (and the amount of gear was sweet), plus it costs a lot to run a trip like that. It's not like Dini's making money on it.

There were 25 guys on USA West last year. I agree that there is plenty of other talent out there in the MDIA to build actual league all-star teams to compete.
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Postby Kyle Berggren on Fri Apr 15, 2005 1:22 am

MountaineerLax wrote:.... but this wouldn't cost you $2000.... There are still plenty of guys in the pool - through the nation.

Then put it together.... I know its a fun weekend in Vail, I'm sure all the players that go would have a blast. I've never heard anyone regret going to Vail.
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Postby MinesGoallie45 on Fri Apr 15, 2005 1:43 am

Well....with more or less a complete lack of response I am seriously thinking of throwing in the towel on the whole idea...that is unless some players from the rest of the MDIA want to do it....
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Postby MountaineerLax on Fri Apr 15, 2005 7:49 am

Mace - i'll help you plan it. Let's set it up as a Division B team.

Invitations would be open to all 1st Team and 2nd Team All-RMLC players. And we'll fill holes from the honorable mentions if we have to.
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Postby MinesGoallie45 on Fri Apr 15, 2005 9:10 am

Thanks Dave!
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Postby Campbell on Fri Apr 15, 2005 11:07 am

This is definitely a good idea. Someone from the northeast said they send their conference All-Stars to a summer tournament. After helping out with the LSA All-Star game last year I think other options than we had are in order. Our game fell on the morning before the conference championship so, most of the All Conference players were absent since they were playing later that afternoon. With one goalie and a trashcan in the other cage it seemed like less of an honor and more of a pick up game. I don't blame anyone in the LSA since there weren't a lot of options, but I think putting a team together and sending them to Vail or another tournament would be the way to go. It would attract more of the players and would bring recognition to individual conferences. I wonder how practicle a USLIA All-Star tourney would be hosting a team from each league? an All-American team from the USLIA in Vail? I think the hardest part would be coordinating it all, but there would be opportunities for fundraising at a USLIA event. Leagues could even work tournament costs into their dues to offset some of the fees.
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Postby onpoint on Fri Apr 15, 2005 12:23 pm

Coordinating it all would be more than a tough task. I organize Team Rock-it Pocket in Vail, which is predominantly CSU alums and a couple ringers from DI and this is easier said than done. It's hard enough to get people you know to commit, give a US Lacrosse #, make sure they have lodging, travel, etc., let alone a bunch of people you don't know. If you are wanting to get a team together, I suggest you pretty much have it finalized in the next month or so, because the tourney organizers will never let you have another shot if you end up dropping out at the last second. It's not too cheap to get to Vail for the week either, so that makes it harder. Not trying to be such a naysayer here, but I think this may end up being little more than a pipe dream for this year at least . . . Also, who is to say that all the slots haven't been filled up? I did not see anything about a RMLC team or anything else like that on the info sheet I got from the Tourney about a month ago, though I could be wrong.
Always on point . . .

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Postby MountaineerLax on Fri Apr 15, 2005 12:31 pm

Yes I agree with Alex on this. This is something that we should have been discussing at the fall meeting. With time constraints - can we put together a competitive team, that won't be laughed off the field?
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Postby MinesGoallie45 on Fri Apr 15, 2005 1:55 pm

We need to make this decision by wednesday....Connie, the lady running the tourny gave us a spot over others because we are local, and so if we cant do it, I need to let her know like NOW
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