Definition of an Assist

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Postby Gregg Pathiakis on Fri Apr 01, 2005 11:50 pm

laxfan25 wrote:But since it is an unofficial stat, teams are free to adopt whatever policy they like.

Why do you say it's an unofficial stat?
Gregg Pathiakis
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Postby Andy Sharp on Sat Apr 02, 2005 9:16 am

laxfan25 wrote:so just leave it to the teams to award assists as they would like so the players will feel better
Oh please, let’s not let it become a feel good stat, there’s an art to it.

My wish is that there was some rule of thumb that would simplify what a lacrosse assist is and clarify how it differs from other assists in sports. Without something like a “3 step rule” there will continue to be fuzzy interpretations.

I know that the better scoring table staffs recognize the over-assisting problem in lacrosse and have pride in the fact that they don’t freely award assists.

It’s not a problem at the top levels, just those who have not developed an assist filter, and that’s why stats comparisons are inevitably breed skepticism.
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Postby Mike Messina on Sat Apr 02, 2005 10:03 am

I'm not positive but i think the old rulebooks defined an assist as a pass
that results a goal where the shooter takes no more than three strides or steps. I remember the confusion of counting steps, etc. I think the wording was changed to " evade, other than a goalie" to make it easier(less step counting) to determine. Regardless of how its tabulated, we set team goals in every game to have 60-75% of our goals assisted. For the season, we are at 60% (70G, 42A). I'm pretty happy with that considering we started the season under 40%. It gives us something to focus on as we practice.
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Postby laxfan25 on Sat Apr 02, 2005 12:59 pm

Gregg Pathiakis wrote:
laxfan25 wrote:But since it is an unofficial stat, teams are free to adopt whatever policy they like.

Why do you say it's an unofficial stat?

I just meant that it is nothing that has to be officially reported, such as the actual score. I put it more in the category of clears, face-offs, ground balls, etc., where different people will interpret thme differently, and most of the teams I see don't even have anyone keeping track of these stats.
Ironically, I'm a big fan of assisted goals - drawing the D on a dodge and playing with your head up, able to see your open teammate and feeding them where they can shoot quickly - very sweet!
As you can see from this discussion, the "politics" if you will of tracking assists can take away the sweetness.
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Postby LaxGuru on Sun Apr 03, 2005 10:50 pm

In the late 80's early 90's the rule was written that if a pass recipient takes three steps after receiving said pass no assist shall be granted.
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