Lacrosse store asst.manager, Moutain View CA

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Lacrosse store asst.manager, Moutain View CA

Postby SDSULAX on Fri Apr 20, 2007 8:21 pm


I’m writing to let you know that the Slingman Lacrosse Co., which operates Sling It! Lacrosse stores in Northern California and Las Vegas is currently hiring for an assistant manager position in Mountain View, CA. This is a full time salaried position starting at $30,000-$35,000 + benefits. We are looking for a motivated person to come in, learn the business, and train to eventually be promoted to the manager position. This is an excellent opportunity for a recent college grad (or maybe not even so recent) to grow with a growing company and work in the lacrosse industry. Please pass this information along to anyone who may be interested, specifically seniors looking to graduate this May. Thank you! Please email to for more information or to send a resume.
Craig Miller
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