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Multiple stick penalties

PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 10:05 am
by Sonny
Rules questions on illegal crosses....

1. Under NFHS rules - You select two crosses (from seperate teams) for mandatory equipment checks after 1st quarter. Both crosses are illegal due to narrow/pinched head (3 minute variety). How do you restart the game at the beginning of the 2nd quarter?

2. Under NFHS rules - Same scenario as above - Only team A's crosse is now a deep pocket (one minute penalty) with Team B's crosse being a narrow head (3 minute penalty). How do you restart the next quarter?

3. Under 2007 NCAA rules - how would you restart after random stick check when Team A's crosse is a deep pocket (one minute penalty) with Team B's crosse being a narrow head (3 minute penalty).

Re: Multiple stick penalties

PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 1:00 pm
by LaxRef
Sonny wrote:Rules questions on illegal crosses....

1. Under NFHS rules - You select two crosses (from seperate teams) for mandatory equipment checks after 1st quarter. Both crosses are illegal due to narrow/pinched head (3 minute variety). How do you restart the game at the beginning of the 2nd quarter?

2. Under NFHS rules - Same scenario as above - Only team A's crosse is now a deep pocket (one minute penalty) with Team B's crosse being a narrow head (3 minute penalty). How do you restart the next quarter?

3. Under 2007 NCAA rules - how would you restart after random stick check when Team A's crosse is a deep pocket (one minute penalty) with Team B's crosse being a narrow head (3 minute penalty).

All three cases are simultaneous fouls. In 1 and 2, a faceoff is pending, but NFHS doesn't have a special case for that, so the official rulings should be:

1. Simul fouls with equal time --> A.P. is the correct ruling, although most people do a faceoff and no one complains.

2. Simul fouls with Team A having less total penalty time --> Team A possession

3. Same as 2.

But in situation 1 under NCAA rules—Simul fouls with equal penalty time and a faceoff pending—you hold a faceoff.

For really tricky situations under NCAA rules and mechanics regarding simultaneous fouls from equipment checks, see Stripes #2.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 8:30 am
by Sonny
But in situation 1 under NCAA rules—Simul fouls with equal penalty time and a faceoff pending—you hold a faceoff.

Why are NCAA rules different (then NFHS) on this situation? Where in the book are you getting that from?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 9:37 am
by laxfan25
Sonny wrote:
But in situation 1 under NCAA rules—Simul fouls with equal penalty time and a faceoff pending—you hold a faceoff.

Why are NCAA rules different (then NFHS) on this situation? Where in the book are you getting that from?

Page 87 of the '07 NCAA book;

Simultaneous Fouls
SECTION 6. Simultaneous fouls are fouls called on players of opposing
teams during (1) a live ball; or (2) a dead ball when sequence cannot be
c. Award the ball:...
b) If neither team has possession at the time of the fouls, the ball
shall be awarded according to the alternate-possession rule.
(See Rule 4-31.) (Exception: When a faceoff is pending in this
situation, a faceoff will be held.)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 11:03 am
by Sonny
Thank you. I did that in a H.S. game (NFHS rules) recently. I guessed correctly under NCAA rules. Was incorrect under NFHS rules. :D

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 11:08 am
by LaxRef
Sonny wrote:Thank you. I did that in a H.S. game (NFHS rules) recently. I guessed correctly under NCAA rules. Was incorrect under NFHS rules. :D

I submitted the suggestion about having a faceoff in this situation to NCAA and NFHS a few years back. NCAA took it, NFHS did not. Story of my life.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 11:54 am
by horn17
LaxRef wrote:
Sonny wrote:Thank you. I did that in a H.S. game (NFHS rules) recently. I guessed correctly under NCAA rules. Was incorrect under NFHS rules. :D

I submitted the suggestion about having a faceoff in this situation to NCAA and NFHS a few years back. NCAA took it, NFHS did not. Story of my life.

HAHAHA...story of your life...loving the humor today Lax Ref!!! :lol: