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Substitution "Rules" for Running Clock Games

PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 12:27 pm
by Matt_Gardiner
It is just about Fall Ball time. A number of the unofficial games have unofficial rules like 30 minutes running halves.

I have played it both ways (liked both ways), and am just curious to get some feedback...

Should teams be allowed to request a whistle for dead-ball substitutions during a running clock game?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 1:30 pm
by shrekjr
I say no because that defeats the purpose of the running clock. We primarily see this in tournaments where scheduling is the main reason for the running clock (and the fact that very few players are in game shape this time of year).

Re: Substitution "Rules" for Running Clock Games

PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 1:41 pm
by LaxRef
Matt_Gardiner wrote:It is just about Fall Ball time. A number of the unofficial games have unofficial rules like 30 minutes running halves.

I have played it both ways (liked both ways), and am just curious to get some feedback...

Should teams be allowed to request a whistle for dead-ball substitutions during a running clock game?

I assume you mean "request a horn," and the answer is an emphatic "No!" If you allow this, then every time the ball goes OOB on the sideline, the team in the lead will call for a horn and run 20 seconds off the clock.

You do need to allow 20 seconds for subs after a goal and after the reporting of a time-serving penalty, but not for sideline OOB. If you want to sub, do it on the fly in a running-time game.

This is exactly the sort of issue that most people don't think of when modifying the rules, so you get bonus points for realizing that there might be a "right" answer!