LaxRef wrote: In your rulings, be sure to indicate who serves penalty time for how long and also who gets possession. (2006 NCAA Rules)
(1) There is a loose ball. A1 slashes B1, then B1 commits a technical foul. Ruling?
Flag down, immediate whistle for the slash. A1 serves a minute, no time served by B1. B gets the ball
LaxRef wrote:(2) There is a loose ball. A1 slashes B1, then B1 slashes A1. Ruling?
As B1 would explain, "the little b*****d got what he deserved for slashing me! I shouldn't have to serve any time..."
In reality, Simultaneous fouls. Both players serve a minute, with no release til time expires. Since the ball was loose it is awarded by A.P.
LaxRef wrote:(3) There is a loose ball. B1 pushes A1 from behind, then A1 turns and slashes B1. Ruling?
The response was a little over the top, since it was only a push. However, it is still a simultaneous fouls situation, and since the technical foul preceded the personal, both players will serve time - B1 for 30 and A1 for a minute - the first thirty seconds are non-releasable. Since B has the shorter penalty time they are awarded the ball. I should also have stated that when the first push occurred, the ref would have put his hand in the air and said "Play On!" If A1 hadn't retaliated his team would have had the ball, but since he slashed, it created the simulataneous fouls situation, with both teams serving time.
LaxRef wrote:(4) A1 has possession. B1 slashes A1, then A1 wards. Ruling?
Flag down, slow whistle on the slash. When A1 wards, B1 says "Hey, Mr. Cleaver, you can't get away with that!" The ref says "No baiting and taunting Mr. Haskell". The ref also kills the slow whistle because of the ward, sentences B1 to a minute in the cooler, gives A1 a free pass for the technical and also awards him the ball. How fair is that?
Reminds me of a funny story. I had a HS coach who is constantly calling for wards against the other team (which are rarely there), and I call him Mrs. Cleaver. Last year he had a player on his team who's first name was Ward! It became hard to distinguish between his coaching and his whining...