game fees
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game fees
Can anyone tell me the 2006 game fee for a COC official working an MDIA game? A and B would be helpful.
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According to our contract with the MDOC, signed last year and running through the 2007 season, we will continue to be $15 below the Division 3 fee for A Division and $25 below D3 for B. The USILA is negotiating their rates now, so ours could theoretically change. There is a clause in our contract that allows us to go back to the table and renegotiate if the USILA and MDOC/COC negotiate fees that take a jump we feel is an unreasonable burden on our teams. Not sure of their timeline to finish negotiations, but of course as soon as we know what they come up with we'll address what it means to us, and where we go from there.
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LaxRef wrote:laxfan25 wrote:I believe they are being negotiated at this time.
I thought we had a contract for MDIA but that they were negotiating the USILA contract this year. I could be wrong.
There was a memo from John Hill a few weeks ago, but I don't have access to it right now, and I can't tell you if it was USILA or USLIA/MDIA. If JP says that they have a contract through 2007 it may be USILA. Of course, if the MDIA rate is set off of the USILA prime rate, there may be a change even under the contract.
laxfan25 - Scoop, Cradle, & Rock!
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