Restraining Line

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Restraining Line

Postby Brendan Barry on Fri Apr 27, 2007 8:15 am

During a face-off, does the restraining line exist all the way to the box? I.E. if we are getting smoked on FO's, can I put my wingman behind the line but outside the box (even though there isn't an actual line)? This is for HS, FHS or whatever, not NCAA.
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Postby laxfan25 on Fri Apr 27, 2007 8:27 am

Yes, on faceoffs the attack and D only need to be behind the restraining line, NOT in the box. I often wonder why more coaches don't take advantage of this (I think it is because many people think you have to be in the box). If you've got a good faceoff guy, spread the attack wide and force the D to cover a wider area. If they slide to the faceoff guy the attack has a great running start heading toward the goal for a dump off, and if the slide is slow, the goalie will be getting very nervous.
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Postby Anderson on Fri Apr 27, 2007 10:23 am

I think he was referring to the wings on a faceoff. He wants to put on of his middies on the faceoff right next to the box to stop a potential fastbreak. My first reaction would be to say no you can't do that, but I'm no official so maybe laxfan25 or laxref can chime in with the actual rule.
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Postby laxfan25 on Fri Apr 27, 2007 11:27 am

My bad, I read the question too quickly. As far as the wing areas are concerned, the players are constrained to the areas behind the wing lines, extending ten yards on either side of the midline.
If you're getting beat badly, you can put both wing guys at the defensive ends of the lines, so that you have five guys towards the defensive end.
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