Amen to that. I played in the early 70's when you basically had a choice of a traditional "Patterson" type crosse or a wood-shafted hi-wall (string it your damn self!). Later mesh came on the scene and the buzz was enormous. Now--I can't keep up from year to year with all the constantly evolving "styles" (mainly in heads, but in the other stuff too) my sons drool over. Offsets, "fingers", pinched throats, zippy sidewall designs, weight and flex data, yada, yada. The head still just holds the important thing--the pocket, yet the kids have to keep up with the hype, and the marketing spirals out of control.
It's called evolution and it's due to the hype that the lacrosse community is experiencing today. Without it, we would not see Riddell--the largest football helmet retailer today--making a helmet specifically designed for lacrosse. We wouldn't see Harrow, Serpent, Goss, etc. We wouldn't see the Gaits designing gear...or Shock Doctor...or Nike, which will start to make an appearance. The helmets are not the only thing to undergo changes in design. Gloves are becoming more flexible while still providing the protection they need. Shafts are undergoing different designs with different material (see above) AND becoming stronger while they do it. Yes, some of the companies are swinging gimmicks more than they are developments in R & D, but others are relying on improving existing products, and I am filled with anticipation every year when a company rolls out its next product line--regardless of how lame it may be.
I'd like to see individuals who play lacrosse and graduate with a degree in engineering or physics that can actually design something worth buying.
While playing lacrosse and obtaining my Mechanical Engineering degree, this was a dream of mine. What greater way to do something I love, in both fields? Sadly, many companies are not looking for the "Next Mechanical Engineer" to push their products and those types of jobs are not realistic for Engineers. Go figure. If I could get a reasonable paying job with a major lacrosse gear supplier designing products, I'd do it in a heartbeat.