Soft mesh and as little whip as possible

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Soft mesh and as little whip as possible

Postby bulax6 on Mon May 07, 2007 6:59 pm

what ae some ways to string you head and accomplish this?
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Postby scooter on Mon May 07, 2007 7:30 pm

its not really possible...... maybe a low pocket with rolled shooters, but that only works till the pocket gets wet, then you are screwed

if you like the soft mesh feel, try semi-hard mesh from
it gives like soft mesh, but throws like hard mesh.

If u need any more advice dont hesitate to message me, im a pretty much a stringing junkie
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Postby btriley01 on Mon May 07, 2007 8:23 pm

Before I answer this question, let me first say that this is the first time I have ever 100% knew how to respond to a forum post.

I have two words for you: Canadian mesh

Just google it and you'll find the stores that carry it. This is a style of incredibly thick mesh that will literally tighten up when it gets wet. Also, it has a larger amount of grip when wet. You will feel where the ball is at at all times. It is GOD's gift to Branden Riley (Me).

When you string the stick, pull the sidewall strings down as tight as possible. This makes sure there is no shelf at the top that creates the whip. Then put in 3 shooting strings across. If you want to feel the ball come out, don't roll them over. If you feel like you need more control, take out one shooter and put in a shooting ring. The tighter you pull the shooting strings, the quicker the release. If you give me an email, I'll send you pics of my stick with the mesh in it. Its all I'll ever use ever again.
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Postby cjwilhelmi on Mon May 07, 2007 10:31 pm

And who gave you that mesh Branden?
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Postby btriley01 on Tue May 08, 2007 12:42 am

good one.

PS i accidently deleted the email you sent. You might want to send it again.
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Postby unclaxman23 on Tue May 08, 2007 1:22 am

that mesh is real sick but you have to sting it with thin side wall. but it id the best all weather mesh there is!
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Postby Champ on Tue May 08, 2007 8:35 am

Jimalax calls it American mesh.

Figure I'll do the legwork for everyone. I got some of it but have yet to string a stick up with it. I also have the double thick hard mesh which they call "Catapultion" on Jimalax, and it seems like it would be too hard to break in.

Worth looking at is Jimalax's Semi-hard mesh, nice and soft but feels more like hard mesh than soft mesh.
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Postby Champ on Tue May 08, 2007 9:35 am

OK after some research I think there is some difference and I was wrong. It looks like in terms of 'hardness' it goes (jima's) American < true Canadian < (jima's) Catapultion. All of these are double thick.

So if you could get jima's semi-hard mesh in double thick form that should be true Canadian. I think.

Anyone know where to actually get it besides ordering from Canada?
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Postby cjwilhelmi on Tue May 08, 2007 10:19 am

Jimalax's Semi Hard mesh is nice but it bags out just like normal mesh in wet games. All it is is treated hard mesh.

Catapultion is hard to break in but once you do it is very nice. Shot speed is very good but you suffer on the hold a little bit.

American mesh by Jimalax is very close to true Canadian mesh. I have both sitting here in front of me. The canadian version is a little thicker and has almost a softer feel to the touch.

True canadian mesh (from what our canucks have told me) is made by STX.

Call up ReAction Sports, they carry it and the owners are lacrosse friendly people.
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Postby warri0rlax22 on Tue May 08, 2007 10:57 am

the canadian mesh i got from jamialax was hard mesh. i love the canadian soft mesh. Its harder to find now for some reason but i love it. The soft canadian throws like hard mesh but holds like soft, and with colorado weather its the best. Only problem is that if you take face offs its not recommended. the ball gets stuck in the back of the head because of the thicker mesh. Just a word of advice
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Postby cjwilhelmi on Tue May 08, 2007 11:02 am

warri0rlax22 wrote:Only problem is that if you take face offs its not recommended. the ball gets stuck in the back of the head because of the thicker mesh. Just a word of advice

Get a wider head. I know of several people (including myself) that face off and use that mesh.
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Postby Champ on Tue May 08, 2007 11:04 am

Now I just need some more heads to try all these different pieces of mesh I have laying around :?
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Re: Soft mesh and as little whip as possible

Postby Phantanimal on Tue May 08, 2007 11:16 am

bulax6 wrote:what ae some ways to string you head and accomplish this?

Just make sure that you keep the top part of your mesh tight to the sidewall and scoop. Keep very a tight top string, top sidewall and top shooters and you should throw high with the soft mesh. Once it gets wet it will change, but I have strung with soft mesh for years on various heads and it really, IMO, isn't that drastic of a change. Maybe if you have a lot of whip to begin with it's hard to play with but... the biggest change is shortly after the break-in period you may have to adjust your nylons to keep it legal, but that isn't more than 5 minutes of tinkering to get a great hold. Good Luck.
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Postby btriley01 on Tue May 08, 2007 12:00 pm

cjwilhelmi wrote:
warri0rlax22 wrote:Only problem is that if you take face offs its not recommended. the ball gets stuck in the back of the head because of the thicker mesh. Just a word of advice

Get a wider head. I know of several people (including myself) that face off and use that mesh.

If you are having problems, just pick up the ball in the back side like you mean to, and throw the ball to someone. If its still stuck when you go to throw, then you're screwed. You cannot be penalized for carrying the ball in the back of your stick, only when it gets stuck.
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Postby nine on Wed Jun 13, 2007 8:24 pm

I've never been a fan of actual soft mesh, but i do prefer using hard mesh thats extremely broken in. I've been using the same mesh piece for 4 years. It's been on 3 different heads, I've just flipped it inside out. seriously.

It is, however, about time to get a new piece, so would any of these american/canadian mesh pieces be a good substitute? I play with a bag of a pocket, with very little whip, it almost comes off the plastic. any suggestions?
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