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March 9-11 in Atlanta, GA

PostPosted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 12:31 pm
by Ken Lovic
Hey guys, we have a sudden opening at Ga Tech on the weekend of March 9th. A team has recently cancelled their trip and we are trying to fill that void.

Your team can get 2 games on this weekend. You can play Georgia Tech and Clemson in that weekend. Clemson has committed to that weekend.

Wow- what a great idea- play the SELC President (Buff at Clemson) and VP. If that is not enough- we have a great city and plenty of places to stay, eat etc....

If you are interested at this late date let me know.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 1:29 pm
by Chris Larson
I can attest to the fact that Ken and GaTech do a great job of hosting teams - going the extra mile to help you out. Atlanta is a Delta hub and frequently is among the more affordable destinations for those of you from the north.