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Postby defense_wins_championship on Sun Feb 20, 2005 9:09 pm

Hey Nunn, you live in Florida, don't be one of those ramrod idiots who dog Detroit because of a couple of idiot fans. Detroit isn't the nicest city in the US but it's far from what the media has portrayed with all this Pistons v. Pacers crap. We have die hard fans and obviously some of them were drunk and took exception to Arrtest. I don't think it was right, but 99% of games in Detroit go off without a hitch. We don't need guns, Nunn unless you've been to the D and thought you needed a gun you should stick to what you know about lacrosse.

Jared Venia #7
Central Michigan Lacrosse
02-05 Alumni

"Rah Rah Coach's panties!"
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