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Paging Mr. Quixote....

PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 8:54 am
by Jac Coyne

At this point, we have to chalk this up to pure ego, right?

Dems still blame him for '00, Reps are amused by him, and Indies won't even waste their vote.

With that being said, I hope I have his energy at 74.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 10:21 am
by Zeuslax
Dems still blame him for '00

I'm so sick of Nader being asked if he feels responsible for the 00 election. He was very good on Meet the usual, very sharp witted.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 10:29 am
by Beta
It's not his fault that the people that meant to vote for Gore weren't as coordinated as elementary students in BFE Georgia.

Scary to think that people without basic motor skills and a 5th grade reading level are some of the ones choosing our leader.

For every well-educated, researching guess is that there are at least 5-10 people who vote for whatever stupid reason they can come up with.

Think about that next time you vote!

PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 1:16 pm
by KnoxVegas
Nader is well within his Constitutional rights to run for President and throw good money after bad.

Where have you gone Lyndon LaRouche?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 1:44 pm
by Madlax16
Hey i hope he he can take as many votes from the democratic candidate as possible. Except if McCain wins....then its two democrats running against each other. In that event, im kinda hoping for a runoff that bears resemblance to the Thunderdome.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 3:20 pm
by Zeuslax
Where have you gone Lyndon LaRouche?

There's a little known can only run for president 24 times, max. That would make him 131 years old this year, since he started running as soon as he turned 35.

McCain is Dem, had no idea, wow!