Castro Gone
Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 8:54 am
KnoxVegas wrote:Soon, I can finally check out all those places Johnny Ola told me about!
StrykerFSU wrote:...(presumably in a 1950s era Soviet-bloc automobile). Hooray Communism!
StrykerFSU wrote: so no one would know about the news until they got to work this morning (presumably in a 1950s era Soviet-bloc automobile). Hooray Communism!
Can someone please tell me why our government choose to have an embargo against Communist Cuba but instead chooses to do business with Communist China and Vietnam? Ironic, no?
The Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity (Libertad) Act of 1996 (Helms-Burton Act, Pub.L. 104-114, 110 Stat. 785, 22 U.S.C. § 6021–6091) is a United States federal law which strengthens and continues the United States embargo against Cuba. The act extended the territorial application of the initial embargo to apply to foreign companies trading with Cuba, and penalized foreign companies allegedly "trafficking" in property formerly owned by U.S. citizens but expropriated by Cuba after the Cuban revolution. The act also covers property formerly owned by Cubans who have since become U.S. citizens.[1]
The law was passed on March 12, 1996 by the 104th United States Congress. The bill, which had been tabled in late 1995 after Senator Helms was unable to overcome several Democratic filibusters, was reintroduced prompted by an episode that happened a month earlier. On February 24, 1996, Cuban fighter jets shot down two private planes operated by a Miami based anti-Castro Cuban refugee support group called Brothers to the Rescue (Hermanos al Rescate). [2] [3].
StrykerFSU wrote:(presumably in a 1950s era Soviet-bloc automobile)
Zeuslax wrote:If anyone has wondered why they have been so quiet on this topic, when it is such a huge international story....this is why. Many have speculated and there have been some reports that we have continually "bought" some silence regarding our operations there.