Beta wrote:Obviously we all realize that it's just a "high ball" for what they really want. Why say quadrillion? I am shocked they didn't just say "infinity", or "eleventy"...but regardless....
Here's the "per person" amount for you folks that don't deal with large numbers. A quadrillion is a 1000 trillion.
469,032 (US Census Bureau)
$3,014,170,389,176,410 (Asking Price, Yahoo News)
$6,426,364,062.96 Per Person, regardless of age.
Essentially making every resident of New Orleans one of the richest people in the world.
I repeat, it's obviously a high-ball figure that will be worked down...but geez.
Those of us that (used to) frequent New Orleans can only imagine someone with a $6 billion dollar Louisiana Purchase card.
Or, put another way, every man, woman, and child in the country would have to contribute roughly $10,047,000 to cover this. I don't know about you, but I don't think my family can come up with $40 million this month.