The Ice Storm in Oklahoma, Pictures from OU Lacrosse
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 12:58 pm
Ice storm hit this weekend, and is continuing to pound us. Majority of Norman does not have power, and a lot of state is without as well. Class was cancelled yesterday (finals week), but resumed today. The city looks like a warzone. On our field, we actually lock our goals up to a nearby tree to they don't get stolen...well looks like that wasn't to smart after recent events...
These are a few pictures i took while on my way to my finals today
Our two game goals came out just needing new nets, but our three practice goals are completely demolished
Close up of the goals
Our sidelines...pretty much our entire field is lined with trees on all 4 sides...i'd guess only a handful remain when it's all said and done. You can kind of make out our goals amongst the wreckage on the left
Campus as i'm walkin to my final today
Crazy eh? But hey, we get new goals now!
These are a few pictures i took while on my way to my finals today
Our two game goals came out just needing new nets, but our three practice goals are completely demolished
Close up of the goals
Our sidelines...pretty much our entire field is lined with trees on all 4 sides...i'd guess only a handful remain when it's all said and done. You can kind of make out our goals amongst the wreckage on the left
Campus as i'm walkin to my final today
Crazy eh? But hey, we get new goals now!