Yet More Republican `I'm not gay` Hijinks

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Yet More Republican `I'm not gay` Hijinks

Postby OAKS on Wed Oct 31, 2007 1:15 pm

GOP State Rep Caught Cross-Dressing With Male Hookers
OR Cross-dressing state lawmaker blackmailed following late night tryst
OR Police documents: SW Wash. GOP lawmaker had sex with man

[H]e voted against domestic partnerships for gay and lesbian couples. Last year, he opposed a gay rights bill that banned discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. ... ource=mypi ... y_id=15425 ... ot-gay.cfm
Will Oakley
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Postby StrykerFSU on Wed Oct 31, 2007 1:36 pm

I guess I'll bite:

So there are NO closeted homosexual Democrats?
None of those individuals would deny their homosexuality to protect their families/careers?
No one in the Democratic Party is remotely hypocritical?
It's not like a Democrat would commit perjury or obstruct justice to protect a secret it?

As I asked in the Sen. Craig scandal, why do some find such satisfaction in publicly outing a politician? It certainly does nothing to advance the cause of homosexual rights. If anything, I would expect supposed liberals to embrace someone who felt compelled to live a double life because our society has not yet advanced to the point where all individuals feel comfortable with their sexuality.

I just don't get it. A publicly gay actor gets called a slur by a colleague and it's a national scandal resulting in public apologies and termination (Grey's Anatomy) but a politician is blackmailed and unwillingly outed as being allegedly homosexual and it's suddenly OK to ridicule him and the GOP? I guess you are only worthy of compassion and protection if you vote Dem.
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Postby Dan Wishengrad on Wed Oct 31, 2007 1:45 pm

Okay Cliff, "I'll bite" back. How many gay, closeted Democrats in office publicly rail against the sins of homosexuality and consistently vote for anti-gay pieces of legislation? How many (like Larry Craig) build their entire public persona around a "family values" lie and then LEAD the anti-gay homophobes out front with holier-than-thou bible thumping?

Please name even ONE if you think this is a double-standard.

Ex-NJ Gov. McGreevey was a closeted gay Democrat who was outed, but he doesn't count, because he never was so hypocritical as the gay Republicans by leading anti-gay forces on a mission to rid the world of sodomites. McGreevey also never cast votes or used his public office to deny any rights to gays or to publcly condemn gays. It is the HYPOCRISY that is the issue, not the homosexuality. You refer indirectly to Clinton, again, as you did in the Larry Craig thread. Yes, Clinton had an adulterous affiar and lied about it. But Bill never made public speeches like the GOP hypocites on the House Judiciary Committee did during the Impeachment hearings, condemning the immorality of Clinton's actions while carrying on their own adulterous hidden lives. You want a list of those? Let's start with Newt Gingrich and Dan Burton, two of the most vocal "family values" Republicans during those days. I'll be glad to furnish a longer list if you really need one.
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Postby OAKS on Wed Oct 31, 2007 1:56 pm

No matter what, it's just funny seeing one after another after another after another on the GOP side of the aisle. If there is a long string of Democrats doing something that stupidly hypocritical, I'll join in in making fun of them (yes, there are plenty of small examples, I'm talking about screwing up on one of their major or secondary platforms).

Again, I'm not registered with either party.
Will Oakley
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Postby sohotrightnow on Wed Oct 31, 2007 2:00 pm

As I asked in the Sen. Craig scandal, why do some find such satisfaction in publicly outing a politician? It certainly does nothing to advance the cause of homosexual rights. If anything, I would expect supposed liberals to embrace someone who felt compelled to live a double life because our society has not yet advanced to the point where all individuals feel comfortable with their sexuality.

Most of the crimes committed against homosexuals are probably by Democrats and most of the anti-gay legislation in this country is introduced by Democrats because they fear homosexuals. I would hope that Mr. Craig could come out and be embraced by the liberal community. It's a shame that Democrats, and those on the far-left in particular, attempt to pass anti-gay legislation all the time. If I could only get my hands on those closeted homosexual Democrats who pass such legislation and then expose them for the hypocrites they are! In closing, I wish Democrats could take a page from the Republican moral handbook and start being kinder to the gay community as well as the African-American community.
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Postby StrykerFSU on Wed Oct 31, 2007 2:20 pm

Dan, I like the "Family Values" wing of the GOP about as much as Hillary likes Code Pink so please don't think I am defending that way of thinking.

As for hypocritical, outed Dems; you know you have me there, can't think of a one. I would say that the continuing Iraq War and are current Democrat-"led" Congress that was elected presumably to end it is a decent enough example of hypocritical rhetoric. Didn't we all want change in 2006 Speaker Pelosi? You could also take Al Gore, though he is no longer an elected official, and his global warming crusade. The man flies around on a private jet and owns a mega mansion that consumes huge amounts of energy preaching that I need to stop driving my car and take the bus.

The point is that there is obviously hypocrisy on both sides of the aisle. But my real question was why is there no compassion shown to someone who obviously has been suffering through a conflicted life? I guess folks just think that these guys are getting what they deserve, and maybe they are, but it just strikes me as odd that there are people that get such hysterical glee from celebrating another's downfall.
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Postby KnoxVegas on Wed Oct 31, 2007 3:16 pm

I am I the only one who is digging the new and improved "right-wing" SoHot? Mega dittos!
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Postby Rob Graff on Wed Oct 31, 2007 4:01 pm

Re: SoHot

I read, I recall the past, I get confused, then I remember the Mantra:

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery.
Ignorance is Strength.

And then I feel all warm and good inside....

Rob Graff
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Postby Campbell on Wed Oct 31, 2007 4:29 pm

StrykerFSU wrote:The point is that there is obviously hypocrisy on both sides of the aisle. But my real question was why is there no compassion shown to someone who obviously has been suffering through a conflicted life? I guess folks just think that these guys are getting what they deserve, and maybe they are, but it just strikes me as odd that there are people that get such hysterical glee from celebrating another's downfall.

I think the main reason is that what these guys are doing goes beyond just a simple homosexual relationship. I mean Craig was soliciting sex in an airport public restroom, that's just creepy. Regardless of his hypocrisy, he would probably receive more "compassion" over his conflicted lifestyle if he was seeking healthy relationships (man or woman).
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Postby laxfan25 on Wed Oct 31, 2007 6:32 pm

Rob Graff wrote:Re: SoHot

I read, I recall the past, I get confused, then I remember the Mantra:

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery.
Ignorance is Strength.

And then I feel all warm and good inside....


You'll be pleased to know that I still have a t-shirt that has that slogan on the front. On the back it says "Vote Reagan - 1984". At least I can lay claim to being a consistently liberal radical know-nothing for longer than many of these posters have been alive. :lol:
(Thinking back to another irony, one of Reagan's biggest scandals was the Iran-Contra affair, where Iran was helping the right-wingers in their campaign against the world threat du jour - the Sandanistas. They were the Hugo Chavez of their day, and now the Sandanista leader - Daniel Ortega - is the democratically elected leader of Nicaragua. (And of course Jimmy Carter was there to validate the election. :wink: ))

The Iran-Contra Affair was a political scandal occurring in 1987 as a result of earlier events during the Reagan administration in which members of the executive branch sold weapons to Iran, an avowed enemy, and illegally used the profits to continue funding anti-Communist rebels, the Contras, in Nicaragua. Large volumes of documents relating to the scandal were destroyed or withheld from investigators by Reagan administration officials. The affair is still shrouded in secrecy. After the arms sales were revealed in November 1986, President Ronald Reagan appeared on national television and denied that they had occurred. A week later, however, on November 13, Reagan returned to the airwaves to affirm that weapons were indeed transferred to Iran. He denied that they were part of an exchange for hostages.

Hmm, wouldn't have had anything to do with the miraculous release of the embassy hostages the day Reagan was sworn in - nah. I-C is the affair that first brought that super-patriot, Ollie North to our attention. Elliot Abrams was one of the conspirators that was pardoned by George HW Bush, and he's now back in action doing the same crap for Bush the Younger. The more things change...

And of course Nicaragua is another example of the US promoting dictatorships, er, democracy around the world, with our installation of the Somoza regime that brutally ran Nicaragua for decades til they were overthrown by the Fidel-friendly Sandanistas. United Fruit was happy though, we were still getting cheap bananas.

BTW, for a really outstanding download from iTunes that relates to this story - Bruce Cockburn's If I Had a Rocket Launcher - WELL worth 99 cents, and it'll "blow you away"!
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Postby Dan Wishengrad on Wed Oct 31, 2007 7:03 pm

StrykerFSU wrote:As for hypocritical, outed Dems; you know you have me there, can't think of a one. I would say that the continuing Iraq War and are current Democrat-"led" Congress that was elected presumably to end it is a decent enough example of hypocritical rhetoric. Didn't we all want change in 2006 Speaker Pelosi?

Valid point, Cliff, but I think even you will admit that few Dems -- including Speaker Pelosi -- were advocating stopping all funding for the troops as soon as the Democrats took control of Congress, about the only way we could stop the war immediately without a veto-proof Senate and with Bush/Cheney still occupying the White House. It's one of the greatest tragedies in American history, but the sad truth is now that this administration made the catastrophic blunder to rush us into this unnecessary war we are stuck there without an easy avenue for getting out.

But I'll bet the troops DO start coming home after Hillary wins the White House and we get the super-majority in the Senate a year from now. Too bad we can't impeach our President & Vice President right away, they absolutely should be thrown out of office for "high crimes and misdemeanors", if not for downright treason. If you in the GOP are celebrating already the prospect of running against Sen. Clinton in the general election a year from now, well we Dems are rejoicing at the prospect of running against either Rudy or Mitt -- either of whom will be the weakest GOP presidential candidate in the past 100 years. Either Giuliani or Romney are going to get beaten, and in a popular vote landslide of Reagan-over-Mondale proportions.
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Postby laxfan25 on Wed Oct 31, 2007 9:25 pm

Dan Wishengrad wrote: Either Giuliani or Romney are going to get beaten, and in a popular vote landslide of Reagan-over-Mondale proportions.

Just remember though Dan - winning the popular vote does NOT get you elected.
While I agree that the Democratic candidate will almost surely win, it will very likely be Sen. Clinton up for election, and that should prevent the "Reagan landslide", at least the first time around. I was a little concerned about the high negatives that she has, but they're not over 50%, and someone pointed out that she is starting there and won't get worse and will likely win some converts once the one-on-one campaign and debates start. People overlook how tough and smart she is. Even her GOP colleagues in the Senate give her very high marks. I also think there are a lot of spouses out there who quietly sit by while the hubbies spout off about Hillary, and when they get to the privacy of the voting booth will be happy to punch a chad to put a woman in the White House.
I don't know if it would be different if any other Dem won, but the shame is that we will likely have another round of very polarized politics for the foreseeable future.
People are certainly ready for as change, that's for sure. If it's Mitt he has the LDS thing to overcome, and if it's Rudy, his pro-abortion and pro-gun control positions will make him anathema to many strong conservatives, and there will likely be a lot of folks that will just sit this one out.
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Postby Dan Wishengrad on Wed Oct 31, 2007 11:54 pm

First of all, let me say I am NOT a big supporter of Hillary's. I have a basic problem with dynastic leadership, and am troubled that a whole generation of college lax players who read this (as an example) will never have known a President other than a Bush or a Clinton IF Hillary is elected. But I worked in politics for years, and for an Elections & Reapportionment Committee. I understand how elections are won in this country, and firmly believe that Hillary will capture the Democratic nomination barring some unforseen gaffe or scandal between now and next summer when the Dems hold our convention. I will surely vote for her in the general election, and believe she might actually prove to be a good President -- but we shall see. But it is a mistake to underestimate her toughness or her abilities, which many Republicans are already doing, and gleefully.

Second, I'd be genuinely worried if we were opposed by Senator McCain -- a decent and honorable man of principle who I happen to disagree with on many policy issues. I'd also worry if an attractive underdog like Gov. Huckabee captures the GOP nomination somehow. He would at least excite the base Republicans who are not going to be thrilled to support either of the front-runners. But Giuliani will make the base very nervous with his pro-life, pro-gay rights stance, regardless of assurances he gives that he won't use these personal beliefs to lead in a direction that the "family values" voters find abhorrent. Rudy's nomination will almost surely lead to a third-party, independent candidacy of a real right-wing bomb-thrower, and this will lead to the landslide I am predicting for certain. Rudy is a effective campaigner, no doubt, but his own personal family troubles (like forgetting exactly how many times he has been married) will also doom him. If the Giuliani children get out to campaign against dear old Dad, as is expected, how can this do anything but really hurt a "family values" candidate? Repeating ", 9/11, 9/11" over and over and in every sentence is cute, but just won't work. Game over.

On the other hand, If Romney's strategy of capturing Iowa and New Hampshire propels Mitt to the eventual GOP nomination, it will be a "gift" from above for the Democrats, because despite his undeniable intelligence and business acumen, he will get absolutely destroyed in the general election campaign NOT for his religious affiliation but for his flip-flopping on almost every major issue out of political expedience. The Dems are armed with tons of video footage of Romney speaking in favor of a woman's right to choose,for gay rights and civil unions, for tax increases, etc. The guy has no principles at all other than to say anything necessary to try to get elected, and when his record as Massachusetts Governor is really dissected for all to see he will sound about as sincere as Britney Spears talking about what a great mom she is. He won't "play" well in the south or the middle of the country, and will lose both coasts to boot. When our side runs commercials of him answering the question "If you support the Iraq war so strongly, why are none of your sons serving in the military", everyone will be reminded of his off the cuff answer: "Because they can better serve America working on my campaign". The guy is slicker than either Clinton without the personal charm Bill had to connect with voters, and he'll be exposed fully as the empty shirt he is. The unease that many Christian conservatives have with a Mormon candidate will play a role also, but that could be overcome if Romney was a different sort of man than he is. Add it into the mix and you will see a disastrous defeat for the GOP, regardless of whether Mitt puts a Rick Santorum or other "true" conservative on the ticket. I doubt that Romney could capture more than seven or eight states, and none of those that will hold the electoral balance.
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Postby Jana on Thu Nov 01, 2007 12:42 pm

Whoever Clinton faces - it's going to be a very dirty election campaign. Hilary's staff will go after Romney for the LDS beliefs, flip flopping, and the war. Hilary's staff will go after Giuliani for his temper tantrums, womanizing (oh yes, they will bring it up), and any and all scandals related to his service in NYC as mayor or ADA will come up.

Hard to say if Giuliani or Romney will win the Republican ticket. Both are more progressive than the GOP religious zealots. But their progressive voting records won't steal away votes from Hilary.
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Postby KnoxVegas on Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:02 pm

Bill Clinton might have got a bj in the White House but he did not kick his wife out and move Lewinski in.

For that behavior, see Giuliani. What it will come down to is what is more sinful for the Republicans to handle. Oh and Guiliani married his cousin.

Giuliani May Leave Mansion To Escape Marital Tensions

Published: June 29, 2001
Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani is considering moving out of Gracie Mansion to escape the tension in his failed marriage, a City Hall official said yesterday.

The official said it was not clear where Mr. Giuliani would live if he were to leave the 200-year-old Federal-style mansion, the mayor's official residence on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. But in recent weeks, the official said, Mr. Giuliani has been staying overnight at the East 57th Street apartment of Howard Koeppel, a political supporter and Queens car dealer, as well as at the homes of other friends.

Mr. Giuliani, who was barred by a judge last month from bringing his friend Judith Nathan to Gracie Mansion, said that he was not abandoning his office residence and that he would continue to use it to give receptions and work outside of City Hall.
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