CL Message Board Challenges

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CL Message Board Challenges

Postby Zeuslax on Mon Oct 29, 2007 1:40 pm

I think it would be interesting and possibly educational to have everyone post some type of challenge to the participants of this message board. It could be a social responsibility topic, it could be a cause that you would like to bring attention to, it could be something funny, whatever………the only stipulation is that it has to be something that you've done, or something that you're involved in currently, or something that you are 100% going to do, support or get involved with in the future.

I’ll kick it off. I would like to challenge everyone to change at least one of their standard light bulbs to and EnergyStar® qualified bulb. Actually, a screw in CFL (compact fluorescent light) would be fine.

CFL's work great for task lighting, places where ambient lighting is used and for outdoors lighting. These applications seem to have the most success for first time users and for those that have a fluorescent light sensitivity and need some time to adjust. I know there are a lot of misconceptions. A lot of people haven't tried them because of what they've heard. This later usually comes from the other crowd that tried compact screw ins years ago and were unimpressed or disappointed. If this is the case I urge you to give them another shot. There have been amazing improvements in quality, pricing and selection. Output (foot candles) and the color rendition index (the "blue" color that people always talk about is a lot less noticeable and virtually gone in most brands) has improved. Preferably you would not only change a bulb, but eventually a hard-wired fixture. For you guys that are still in school, split a pack with roommates or your parents and put one in a desk light or in the closet.
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Postby Champ on Mon Oct 29, 2007 1:53 pm

Changed over to a LCD from CRT computer monitor to save some juice.
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Postby onpoint on Mon Oct 29, 2007 2:30 pm

This will invariably turn into a Gore discussion, but we're ahead of the curve. CFLs throughout the house!
Always on point . . .

Alex Smith
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Postby Beta on Mon Oct 29, 2007 3:21 pm

Every light possible gots em in my place, for cereal!

Barry Badrinath: Oh man, that's the most disgusting thing I've ever drank.
Landfill: I doubt that very much, playboy
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Postby LaxTV_Admin on Tue Oct 30, 2007 8:01 am

Done. We are replacing them on an "as the old ones burn out" basis. So two down, 20 to go :)
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