Matthews Interview with Valerie Plame Wilson

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Matthews Interview with Valerie Plame Wilson

Postby Dan Wishengrad on Thu Oct 25, 2007 6:21 pm

Wow. :shock:

Sitting here watching Hardball tonight, there sure seems to be a strong case for the impeachment of Vice President Cheney, at the very least. I'm going to have to read "Fair Game", but the vengeance this administration went after Joe Wilson with was much more than reckless -- it was downright TREASONOUS. Wilson was ruthlessly attacked for being proven ultimately to be CORRECT, for disproving the manipluated intelligence that the administration used as the basis for taking us into an unnecessary war.

I understand completely that this how Cheney and Rove operate, by attacking the messenger. But when caught red-handed, why has the Press given them "a pass"? Why doesn't this Congress start immediate impeachment proceedings against the VP? Isn't what was done far worse than lying about having sex with an intern?!?!?
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Postby OAKS on Thu Oct 25, 2007 6:26 pm

Resolution 333 for Impeachment of the Vice President is "supposed" to be brought before the House for a vote before Thanksgiving. Who knows what will end up happening.
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Postby Dan Wishengrad on Thu Oct 25, 2007 9:08 pm

I won't hold my breath, Will. If anybody ever deserved to be impeached it is our VP, but I'm not sure the Dems in the House have the stomach for it. The crimes Cheney committed are FAR worse than Nixon's or Clinton's.

Very interesting clips Hardball ran of the two Bushes speaking on the subject. President Sr.'s quote about how terrible intentionally outing a CIA covert agent is was certainly compelling, while Jr's pathetic lie that if anyone in his administration was doing it he "would take appropriate action" is very illuminating now. "Appropriate action" apparently is to commute the prison sentence for the fall guy while letting Cheney, Rove, Armitage and the others just skate free. Absolutely one of the worst examples of executive decision-making in the history of the United States. When you calculate the cost in dollars, the ruination of our prestige internationally and, especially, the loss of G.I. and Iraqi lives it makes me just sick to my stomach.
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Postby Zeuslax on Fri Oct 26, 2007 7:46 am

Absolutely one of the worst examples of executive decision-making in the history of the United States. When you calculate the cost in dollars, the ruination of our prestige internationally and, especially, the loss of G.I. and Iraqi lives it makes me just sick to my stomach.

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Re: Matthews Interview with Valerie Plame Wilson

Postby Adam G on Fri Oct 26, 2007 9:52 am

Dan Wishengrad wrote:Isn't what was done far worse than lying about having sex with an intern?!?!?

Hellllooooo?? Did you see her?
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Re: Matthews Interview with Valerie Plame Wilson

Postby Dan Wishengrad on Fri Oct 26, 2007 1:08 pm

uwec_attack wrote:
Dan Wishengrad wrote:Isn't what was done far worse than lying about having sex with an intern?!?!?

Hellllooooo?? Did you see her?

Who, Monica? Yep, and despite packing a few extra pounds I think she is a beautiful young Jewish woman. I'd date her.

But Valerie Wilson, who unfortunately now has had her career ruined by the Cheney-Rove attack machine, now SHE is one gorgeous woman, regardless of her age.
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Postby Zamboni_Driver on Fri Oct 26, 2007 7:35 pm

Although I don't understand all the intricacies of this situation, to which I wonder if all sides aren't politicizing this situation - I do have this issue which hasn't been brought up in any media outlet....

For decades I've witnessed many other countries constantly accusing Americans in their land of espionage - whether it be tourists or governement officials working at an embassy. Our government (under many political parties) continously claims that these claims are false. But then we obviously have a CIA operative that is the wife of an ambassador. Is this not a conflict of interest?

If the US wants to keep its citizens in other countries safe, we can't have covert intelligence agents in other countries or even the perception that they could gain access to other countries under a government related link.

In this case, Plame should have left the CIA if Wilson wanted to be an ambassador, or Wilson retires if Plame wants to continue being an agent.

And if you think this is a wild suggestion, then why are immediate families of CPA's prevented from owning stock in companies their spouse provides accounting for? -- Conflict of Interest!
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Postby sohotrightnow on Fri Oct 26, 2007 8:45 pm

1. Valerie Plame is a far-left bomb-thrower who hates America.

2. She should be lucky that she was even given a position in the U.S. government as a woman. She probably "interviewed" really well.
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Postby Dan Wishengrad on Sat Oct 27, 2007 10:39 am

sohotrightnow wrote:1. Valerie Plame is a far-left bomb-thrower who hates America.

2. She should be lucky that she was even given a position in the U.S. government as a woman. She probably "interviewed" really well.

Congrats, Soho... you have posted possibly the most incorrect and fallacious rebuttal of all time on this website!

1. What is the basis for your "far-left bomb thrower" assertion? Ms. Wilson has NEVER spoken publicly about the affair until the interview with Chris Matthews on Thursday. Please cite even ONE instance of her being left-wing or a bomb thrower. Nothing could be further from the truth. Did you watch the interview? Have you listened to her? She showed no "left-wing" bias whatsoever and has hurled not a single "bomb" -- EVER!

2. You might be a misogynist (i.e woman-hater) who believes females are only fit for kitchen duties, but most of the rest of us judge people on their qualifications and competence rather than their gender. Ms. Wilson did not "interview" for her job at the CIA, but rather was RECRUITED at age 22 (during Reagan's Presidency) and went on to serve 20 years at the agency where she reportedly demonstrated incredible competency and skill at covert intelligence gathering. She was promoted repeatedly until, at the time of her "outing' by the Cheney, Rove et al in retaliation for her husband's op-ed piece, her career was effectively ruined. Ms. Plame was so esteemed at the CIA that she was named to lead the task force which gathered intelligence on WMDs and for her always-reliable analyses of same. As she said on Hardball, at the time she was outed she believed that Saddam did indeed have WMDs, but was still searching dillegently for any hard fact and even indirect evidence to support and back up the claim. She stated that her husband was sent to Niger because of his background and network of contacts in Africa which uniquely qualified him to quickly find the evidence for the "yellow-cake" connection to Saddam's nuclear ambitions.

But when Joe found that the claim was blatantly false, he was outraged that the entire case for war had been built on a house of cards, and went public on his own to expose the lies of the VP and the administration's manipulation of unsubstantiated evidence to rush us into a war that they had clearly already decided to launch, evidence and rationale be damned. There is ample evidence now that Cheney and Rumsfield had convinced Bush to launch an invasion of Iraq to depose Saddam, despite public assertions by the president that no such decision had been reached (which now-released memos from inside the White House prove to be a lie). Any evidence found to counter their beliefs was suppressed and intelligence experts were even fired who dared not produce evidence to back up the Vice President and Secretary of Defense's beliefs or who expressed skepticism of the WMDs lie. The "yellow cake" Niger-connection claim had come from the discredited source known as "Curveball" under torture yet had already been debunked and dismissed by sources in Iraq, and the CIA had advised the administration that this source was notoriously unreliable and not to be believed. But then Bush put it in his State of the Union anyway and Colin Powell was sent out to make the case to the U.N. that the WMDs were there "beyond all doubt" and that Saddam was poised to use them against the U.S. This was done despite firm CIA conviction that the claim was groundless and completely unsubstantiated and unsupported by any evidence. Powell himself has said he is deeply shamed by this "greatest mistake" he ever made during his honorable service to our nation. But you probably believe General Powell is a "far-left bomb thrower who hates America" also, eh Sohorightnow?

As widely reported, Cheney was so angered that his lies were countered by Joe Wilson that he wrote hand-written notes on the memos (introduced at Libby's trial) suggesting that they needed to "get Wilson" and suggesting that the attack machine go after his wife too, out of vengeance. The "smoking gun" is there, regardless of whether the Special Prosecutor (a Republican, by the way) ultimately decided not to indict Rove and Cheney.

The Vice President should be impeached, convicted by the Senate and sent to prison, which would be not punishment enough given the the damage he has done to our great country and for the thousands of dead and wounded American soldiers who have shed their blood for the worst of all reasons that we have ever requested them to make this sacrifice for.
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Postby sohotrightnow on Sat Oct 27, 2007 11:19 am

You are titled to yer opinion mister. George W. Bush and Richard Cheney are both men of faith and they would not lie about this woman's bad deeds. I was watching Hannity and Colmes the other night and I think Mr. Hannity was spot-on in his analysis of Mrs. Plame. He said she was an uppity liberal who had the auadacity to graduate college unlike himself. He also called her a hate monger and said there was no way she could have been an undercover agent. He then said she's probably an undercover agent for Code Pink. He then laughed at his joke because it was pretty funny. However, you could tell that he was serious in his analysis because he removed his pen from behind his ear and started pointing it at that wussy Colmes.

She doesn't even respect her husband enough to use his last name. Typical liberal feminist. She was recently added to Media Matters "Heroes of the Left." What more do you need to know? Do not believe the left-wing meedia byass Mr. Wishengrad! I will not let you get away with it!
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Postby laxfan25 on Sat Oct 27, 2007 6:51 pm

Well Mr. RightNow, you can take your right-wing pedagoguery (and pedophilia, for that matter) right back to the FauxNews studio that your crawled out from under. Your blatant misogyny is not wanted on here - there are women and children present! You were probably one of those respectful Conservatives in elementary school - always prim and proper with the back of your ears scrubbed, holding your hand up until you were called on, never talking out of turn. What happened???
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Postby sohotrightnow on Sat Oct 27, 2007 7:06 pm

Thank you for your kind words sir. I stand behind my beliefs, unlike liberals. They don't even believe in God! As for Mrs. Plame, she is a prop used by the left-wing to spew hateful rhetoric and promote unpatriotic views. I just cannot believe she and her husband are allowed to say those awful things about our commander-in-chief. GW has a mandate from God and those who oppose him should be punished, including Valerie "I'm not to blame" Plame.
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Postby Dan Wishengrad on Sat Oct 27, 2007 8:41 pm

Okay I guess I have been "had" here, methinks you were being sarcastic Mr. RightNow and I took your first reply as serious. :oops:

The problem is many on the right say these same exact things, and rather than discuss the issues at hand they resort to personal attacks a la "Turd Blosssom" Rove. If you only added a little winky :wink: I would have taken your reply as tongue in cheek. Us dumb commie pervs got no sense of humor sometimes, we needs to take us some happy pills before getting our pink panties in a twist. :roll:
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Postby BigheadTodd on Sat Oct 27, 2007 11:17 pm

Possibly one of the best exchanges on the boards in a while..But come on now Dan, have you never seen one of SoHots posts? I voted for Nader and even I think SoHot is a little far left.
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Postby Dan Wishengrad on Sun Oct 28, 2007 12:37 am

BigheadTodd wrote:I voted for Nader.

Yeah so this whole mess is clearly your fault. You and your green veggies cost Big Al the 2000 election with your misguided sense of electoral pranksterism, voting for the original wacko of all wackos rather than just limply punching a dimpled chad for da Shrub in the first place, which would have been more reasoned and sincere.

If only you and your boy Ralphie could've piled into a Corvette on a cross-country odyssey of enlightenment instead during November of 2000, well W. might be the Nobel Peace prize winner now for executing the most Texans (always a good idea) during his four terms as Governor-for-Life, and VP Lieberman might still be a Democrat... well, sort of.
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