I haven't been able to catch one of these deer-fishies yet, but had a decent season landing chinook. This photo of me with a nice 17-lb hatchery buck was taken by former Duke defensive star Greg Ehrnman on his boat about two months ago:
Sure was tasty that night on the BBQ, and also yielded a full smoker-load
the next day.
This beauty is a native (wild) 20-lb hen I caught off the beach in August and had to release:
Not too good a catch ratio for coho the past six weeks, though. I've only taken about 7 or 8 total, when during the normal Fall run I usually land four or five times that many. No fresh salmon in the fridge right now, a rarity for me this time of year. Guess I better gear up for winter steelhead, since the coho fishery has been such a bust in '07...