Well I have looked a the "facts" and remain unconvinced. I did find the following facts from the Dept. of Justice:
5 highest prison populations per 100,000 residents:
5 highest percent change:
I also went through the electoral college results from the 1996, 2000, and 2004 elections and found that 9 states changed from blue to red in that time (Az, Ak, La, Mo, Nv, Oh, Tn, Wv, Ia), and others went one way or the other by just a few percentage points. My point being that to say a state is red or blue may be a poor choice depending on the time frames you wish to discuss and can you truly convince me a state is red if it went to the Republicans by a few percentage points?
The issue at hand is that he is pointing out that Republicans constantly stress "family values" and "morality" as reasons for why you should vote Republican and he is pointing out the hypocrisy in this.
If you find that this "exposition" of hypocrisy is somehow groundbreaking journalism, then by all means post it and see if others will see the light. I for one am not surprised that there are hypocrites in politics, they are everywhere. Check the congressional record from 2001-2003 sometime for Democrats' views on Iraq and WMDs and then read today's headlines if you want more evidence of hypocrisy.
My feeling is that Mr. Wolcott wanted to do some bashing and tweaked some data to loosely support his findings. Has there ever been a study linking voting Republican with crime? Wouldn't you think that most criminals come from poor backgrounds and would therefore tend to have more left leaning politics? Maybe I am just not smart enough to make this logical connection.
But hey, if bashing Katherine Harris (who the GOP didn't even want to run), Rush Limbaugh, Bill Bennett, Newt Gingrich, and dragging a murdered six year old (from Colorado, a red state by a very narrow margin in 1996) into the discussion is how this "journalist" wants to preach to his choir, then I say he can have at it.