David Hasselhoff should take a pencil and write on his forehead TROUBLE. Why? Because it's seems that he can't get enough of it.
Last week he had the surgery for cutting his hand on a chandelaire. This week, he got himself kicked out from the Wimbledon. He has been thrown out of Wimbledon after being refused entry to the players' bar.
The 53-year-old actor became really aggressive when he was turned away while attempting to buy a drink. While walking away Hasselhoff start screaming: "All I want is a drink! Do you know who I am?!"
A member of club's security team declared: "He was absolutely steaming and being very abusive. He was ejected from the ground and told not to bother coming back".
His access there was banned after he got some serious problems with alcohol in the past. He spent time at the Betty Ford clinic in 2002 trying to overcome his addiction.
http://www.playfuls.com/news_0001528_Da ... m_Bar.html