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NFL Playoffs

PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 11:57 pm
by Gregg Pathiakis
Just had to start a topic on the playoffs. I didn't get a chance to doing any posting during the RED SOX WORLD SERIES CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!

Eagles vs. Falcons - I keep hearing people saying that the huge snow storm is going to favor the Falcons. I don't get it. They haven't played in bad weather all year from what I can remember. Atlanta vs. Philly. I'd say Philly has more experience in cold weather. My pick: Eagles by 3.

Pats vs. Steelers - biggest rematch in the NFL this season. Pats completely manhandled and stopped the supposed most prolific offense in NFL history by beating Manning and the Colts last week. Pittsburgh, the team that only lost one game this season, came one field goal (twice) away from losing to the Jets (Pats fans, don't you just wish we could've traded Adam V. to the Jets for one lousy game). Pittsburgh may have beaten the Pats last meeting, but we were plagued by injury in the game. And now that Seymour will likely play, but not start, we are better off than we were last week. My pick: Patriots by 10.

What do you think?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 10:59 am
by Sonny
Not that I'm a huge Falcons fan (Go Dolphins in the NFL Draft!) - but the Eagles have lost two straight NFC Championship games at home in the cold weather. Somehow I don't think the weather will be that big of a deal. Many of the Falcons key players went to college in the North and played previously in poor conditions.

Nfl playoffs

PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 2:38 pm
by Mike Messina
Pulling for the steelers. Tough to beat a team twice in one season but i hope they will. Doesn't matter though, steelers/pats winner could beat either nfc team.
One for the thumb 2005

PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 9:26 pm
by Sonny
Pats and Eagles in Jacksonville in two weeks.

I'm suprised both games weren't closer.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 7:22 pm
by AlumniLax

The Falcons game was much closer than it looked on paper. The "Human Highlight" had a rough game and should have taken off more often instead of dancing around. I think the play that sealed the game was the rushing TD for the Eagles (the one where the whistle didn't blow). Tell me he wasn't down by no forward motion. There were also some home cooking by those ref's (like on that push off on the Eagles second TD).