My own father served 2 stints in Viet Nam. He felt passionately that th exemptions for college, marriage and kids meant that America's poorest ended up giving up their lives, while the priveleged did not have to face the horrors of war.
However you may feel about our reasons for the current Gulf War II, from a tactical point of view, it's crazy that we are currently fighting a 2 front war without a draft, enough boots on the ground, or war tax. Actually we have a draft - it's called stop-loss, but it only affects the 1.5% of American families who have a son or daughter who is subject to it. If the other 98.5% of American families knew their children ages 18-28 were subject to serve, then we would all share the burden. I suggest reading the words of the fallen: ... ref=slogin
Regarding the media orgasm surrounding Britney Spears: "
we have officially become a nation of self-absorbed retards"