LaxRef wrote:Tim Whitehead wrote:God help me, I'm agreeing with Sonny and Stryker on this one. The second this idiot kid started fighting back against the cops trying to remove him, he deserved to get tased. This wasn't a guy just going limp and letting cops drag him out like that guy at (I think) UCLA. This was a guy fighting back, trying to make a scene. He got exactly what he was looking for.
So, the police are now in the business of judging when people should be given corporal punishment? Can they also decide to punish people by public flogging?
The police have the job of arresting the man without putting themselves or the public at significant physical risk. If they had him on the ground, they could probably have done so without using a taser.
The guy probably (I haven't watched the video) did deserve punishment, but one within the law and administered by a judge.
You should watch the video. The guy kept trying to jerk himself free, and to me it looked like he tried to shove an officer right when they first tried to remove him. To me, there's a difference between going limp and letting them drag you out (perfectly fine) and fighting back (not fine). And like I said before, this guy got exactly what he wanted. He's a big deal now. Good for him, but if he wouldn't have fought back against cops, he wouldn't have gotten tased, bro.