onpoint wrote:Manny will struggle in the outfield at Coors...
Only if the Rockies can hit a ball into the outfield...
"You're the Yankees!"
Attention Peter Angelos: You own a franchise that was once the model for all others. Now you let your players throw out the first pitch for a team in your own division. Think about it!
Maybe the players are nice guys, who knows? None of us certainly do. However, one thing is for sure....... the Red Sox organization is an embodiment of what is terribly wrong with baseball. Yes, they are not that far from being the Yankees. Wantonly spending money and buying championships is quite detestable. The Sox spent more money on one player (Matsusaka) than the entire Rockies payroll. I undersand that it is not against the rules, but something needs to be done about this. It has created an environment of a few contenders and a whole lot of have nots.
CATLAX MAN wrote:Maybe the players are nice guys, who knows? None of us certainly do. However, one thing is for sure....... the Red Sox organization is an embodiment of what is terribly wrong with baseball. Yes, they are not that far from being the Yankees. Wantonly spending money and buying championships is quite detestable. The Sox spent more money on one player (Matsusaka) than the entire Rockies payroll. I undersand that it is not against the rules, but something needs to be done about this. It has created an environment of a few contenders and a whole lot of have nots.
Perhaps baseball needs to follow the lead of pro football and institute hard salary caps and revenue sharing. The problem is that that the overriding greed of the baseball owners will probably never let that happen. The owners have proven over & over again that they will never put the interests of baseball first at the expense of their own personal enrichment.
The problem is that that the overriding greed of the baseball owners will probably never let that happen. The owners have proven over & over again that they will never put the interests of baseball first at the expense of their own personal enrichment.
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