2007 College Football Week No. 9 (week of 10/27/07)

Non-lacrosse specific topics.

Postby Danny Hogan on Sun Oct 28, 2007 7:47 pm

FLAK wrote:
Danny Hogan wrote:Tebow!Tebow!Tebow!

Danny, where would you put the Gators after losing three games so far? Do you think they deserve to remain in the top 25?

definatley top25 material. all competitive losses to good teams.

would say anywhere between 16-20 is fair, though i would not make a strong arguement against them falling 20 or below.

I sincerely believe they and quite a few of the teams 14 and below are better than a lot of the top 10 teams (kansas, missouri, hawaii, bc)
Danny Hogan
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Postby TheBearcatHimself on Sun Oct 28, 2007 9:05 pm

Dan Wishengrad wrote:
TheBearcatHimself wrote: I'm a Duck fan here.

Sheesh Will, and I always liked you up until this one absolutely indefensible, outrageous, stupid, unsportsmanlike and classless statement has ruined you in my eyes, and forever. Having committed these hateful words to print now, they can never be taken back!

Lol, well I speak only the truth, please forgive me. Trying to get down for the little scuffle in Eugene to see my Ducks shine the unrelenting truth upon Dennis Erickson and his bunch of ragamuffins and return them to the reality that they are not a top 10 football team.

On the other note, sorry to hear such negative attitudes toward Willingham. As someone outside the program and fandom of UW I can honestly say that he has turned that program around on many levels outside wins. I would hope the forgiving people of Seattle will realize they have a good coach there and stay with him a little longer.
Will Patton
Supporter of the MCLA
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Postby TheBearcatHimself on Sun Oct 28, 2007 9:09 pm

TheBearcatHimself wrote:Ohio State, Boston College, and Arizona State are all operating under a thorough campaign of deception through smoke and mirrors, I can't recall a time when the remaining undefeateds just seem so defeatable. I think all three teams have a very good chance to lose this weekend....you know what, I'm just gonna go ahead and call my shot here, all three will lose this weekend to Penn State, VA Tech, and Cal respectively

put it on the board...make fun of me if I'm wrong 8)

Gonna call myself out on this one. But I gotta stick by my guns and say these teams are still overrated compared to undefeated teams from past years. I'll be the first in line to start puking in a toilet uncontrollably if Ohio State goes undefeated, same with BC and ASU. Put any of those three in the SEC and they are 5-3 right now, period. No one can argue against that point.
Will Patton
Supporter of the MCLA
The Dude abides
The Dude abides
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