Human Rights Abusers

Non-lacrosse specific topics.

Postby laxfan25 on Tue May 30, 2006 4:46 pm

StrykerFSU wrote:Laxfan, with all due respect and acknowledging that you are entitled to your opinion but your post nearly made me fall out of my chair. Regardless of your opinion of the war, I refuse to believe that any Iraqi would be happier under the torturous regime of Saddam Hussein (except for maybe his sons who raped and killed at will). You don't even need to read real journalism to learn of the atrocities committed by those sadists, even Maxim published an article on the torture of the Iraqi national soccer players.

Saddam was a threat to his people, his neighbors, and the world. He violated 17 UN security resolutions since the last Gulf War. He gassed thousands of Kurds and Iranians. He invaded Kuwait. He murdered political rivals and ruled as an absolute dictator on a platform of fear. People can argue all day about the justification for the US involvement but please do not tell me that the Iraqi people were happier in 2002.

Stryker, I agree with your assertions about how bad Saddam was. What I was saying is that for the vast majority of ordinary citizens, who weren't Kurds, Iranians, Kuwaitis or political opponents, the repressive nature of his regime had little impact on their daily lives, and the country was very crime-free, because if you were caught, or even accused - it was going to be a bad time for you. For Joe Six-Packi, he could live his life in dull anonymity, with cheap gas to boot.
Now, daily life in Iraq is a total mess. People are afraid to leave their houses, neighbors are being set upon neighbors, whole groups of people are relocating to get into areas of their "own" kind, kidnappings and murder by the dozens are a daily occurence.
What I was saying, is given the choice between the current insecure nature of life there, and what it was like under Saddam, more people would choose totalitarian security over democratic anarchy. In this regard, Iraq is no different than any other country, including the US.
That is why there is not a larger uproar about the government listening in on phone conversations - "I've got nothing to hide, and it's keeping the country safe from another attack."
Remember also, before the Kuwait war, Saddam was a friend of the US, and was helped into power to a large extent by the US. After all, he was helping to keep the Iranians busy with a war with Iraq, and the Iranians were very bad, having overthrown the Shah, taking over our embassy and holding all those hostages for many, many months.
International politics make for strange bedfellows, that can turn quite ugly when bedpartners fall out, i.e. - our support for the Taliban in their resistance to the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. A lot of the weapons used against us there were supplied by us.
One of my concerns, what happens when Musharraf is eliminated in Pakistan?
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Re: Human Rights Abusers

Postby DanGenck on Tue May 30, 2006 5:56 pm

UofMLaxGoalie11 wrote:
DanGenck wrote:One of the main arguments for war in Iraq, after the weapons of mass destruction argument fell through, has been that we are in Iraq to free oppressed people who have had personal freedoms violated.

Im getting sick of hearing people say that there werent any WMDs. Its very possible that they are well hidden or he moved them out of the country. That would be one of the first things I would do. I am sure that Saddam is not stupid. Hiding a stockpile of weapons in a desert doesnt seem that hard to me. U.S. troops found somewhere around 30-40 planes in the vacinity near a base that had been established for a while.

But then there is also the chance that there arent any.

There was actually a report released by the government that said the weapons of mass destruction did not exist in Iraq. This government acknowledgement was covered sparingly by the media, but it did come out.

You cannot just simply move or hide nuclear weapons. It's not like picking up a box of cereal and putting it in your back pack. Not only were the weapons not found but there were no hints/traces of them either... which is very telling.

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Re: Human Rights Abusers

Postby Sonny on Tue May 30, 2006 6:06 pm

DanGenck wrote: If it looks like a duck. If it quacks like a duck. It's a duck.

And if the NY Times says it enough times.... I will grow duck feathers.

Just one link for you: ... n_wmd.html

Analysts at the Center for Strategic and International Studies and the Central Intelligence Agency agree Iraq has continued to develop its unmanned vehicle program involving the conversion of L-29 jet trainer aircraft originally obtained from Eastern Europe. It is thought the L-29 trainer aircraft have been modified for the delivery of chemical and/or biological warfare agents.

Although UNSCOM destroyed the main Iraqi biological weapons production facility, significant amounts of agents were not disposed of, and it is unclear what Iraq has done with these agents since the U.N. left in 1998. The Iraqi government claimed to have produced 8,400 liters of anthrax, 19,000 liters of botulinum, and approximately 2,000 liters of clostridium and aflatoxin prior to their invasion of Kuwait. While a vast amount of this was destroyed by UNSCOM, some remained unaccounted for at the time of the inspectors' departure.

According to General Wafiq al-Samerai, a senior Iraqi defector, Saddam had at his disposal, "255 containers of biological agents. In 230, the agent is in powder form, with no expiry date, and in 25 it is the liquid form, which will deteriorate."

In the post 9-11 environment, I would maintain that we couldn't afford to be wrong about Sadaam (that everyone to the left and right of the aisle in Washington, the rest of the world, and the UN thought had WMD).
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