Hillary Weeps

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Hillary Weeps

Authentic tears?
Calculated effort to gain sympathy during a struggling campaign?
Where is Ed Muskie?
Total votes : 31

Postby Dan Wishengrad on Tue Jan 08, 2008 3:23 pm

I voted the tears were real.... Hillary is a good person, she has been a capable Senator working well across the aisle with the GOP, she ran a smart campaign but is finished too early now that Obama is going to roll to an easy nomination after today's big win in NH. She HAS to be frustrated to go from the inevitability of being the Democrat's "anointed" nominee a few months ago to getting "blown out" in the first two contests. I'm sure she not only didn't see this coming (who did?) but has a hard time accepting the new inevitability. Obama will now win Nevada and South Carolina, and go into Super Tuesday in a great position to sew up his historic nomination on Feb. 3rd.

The only danger remaining is if Edwards and Clinton don't take their defeats well and move aside to let the Obama train gain momentum for the general election. Emulating Mitt Romeny by going nuclear-negative on your own party's choice for President can only hurt Obama and help the GOP now. Edwards would be wise to drop out after Super Tuesday, and Hillary would be smart and politically-saavy to just wind down her own campaign, stick to the issues and not "go after" Obama from today forward. Going negative on BO won't help Hillary now, in the slightest.

The best thing about Obama's nomination is that it should keep Bloomberg out of the race, after all. He was salivating about running as the anti-Hillary/anti-Giuliani, but the man is smart and won't waste his money when he sees the polls that show independents flocking to Obama in huge numbers. The remaining interest is on the GOP side, where a McCain win today might make it a two-man race against Huckabee, as Rudy will have a hard time now getting back into it after deciding to concede the early states in what amounts to a failed startegy. NO candidate -- from either party -- has ever won the Presidency after losing Iowa AND New Hampshire, and Rudy won't even make a decent showing in these "first-in-the-nation" states. Stick a fork in him, he's done just like Romney.
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Postby Beta on Tue Jan 08, 2008 3:28 pm

Barry Badrinath: Oh man, that's the most disgusting thing I've ever drank.
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Postby Dan Wishengrad on Tue Jan 08, 2008 3:34 pm

Beta wrote:Why is Romney finished?

Because he poured all his money and organization into Iowa and New Hampshire in an effort to win the early states and become what Obama has become for the Dems. Didn't work, and failed spectacularly in fact.
As they say in golf, you can't win the tourney on Thursday and Friday, but you can lose it. Romney has lost it and will not survive "the cut".

I wish this wasn't so, Joe, Mitt would be the weakest major-party nominee since Michael Dukakis if he had managed to pull it off. A McCain-Huckabee or McCain-Thompson ticket would be formidable for Obama to defeat, but we'll see what happens in the volatile and unpredictable GOP primaries. Rudy still has a little life left in him, but it doesn't look good for him either right now.
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Postby Beta on Tue Jan 08, 2008 3:38 pm

I would vote for ANYONE over Huckabee. I cannot imagine him talking to any other country without embarrassing this country.

Ironic that you need to be the most far-sided to win the party....but the most moderate to win the country.
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Postby Sonny on Tue Jan 08, 2008 3:46 pm

This topic isn't about Hucakbee, Romney, or Obama.

If her tears were authentic (and I kinda of think they were)... It's about the potential leader of the free world showing an amazing amount of weakeness.
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Postby Dan Wishengrad on Tue Jan 08, 2008 3:51 pm

Beta wrote:I would vote for ANYONE over Huckabee. I cannot imagine him talking to any other country without embarrassing this country.

This doesn't spell great news for the Republican chances in November, Joe, if other conservatives agree with you. I disagree with Huckabee on most issues, but I like the guy and think he has run a remarkable campaign to this point. He might not be ready-for-prime-time, but he IS the true "compassionate conservative" who has real empathy and concern for society's poor and down-trodden -- those who have always been summarily dismissed by the GOP. Don't underestimate Huckabee's intelligence or his political acumen, either. He may still win the Republican nomination, although I don't think he would do well against Obama in the general. We shall see...

Ironic that you need to be the most far-sided to win the party....but the most moderate to win the country.

Obama is hardly the most far-sided among the Democrats, Joe. Edwards ran left of both Barack and Hillary, and Kucinich is even farther out on the left fringe. BO has run very much as a moderate, although I'm sure if I ever turned on FOX-Noise that they will be desperately trying to paint Obama as a flaming liberal. Good luck with that, O'Reilly and Hannity.
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Postby Beta on Tue Jan 08, 2008 3:53 pm

Sonny wrote:If her tears were authentic (and I kinda of think they were)... It's about the potential leader of the free world showing an amazing amount of weakness.

I don't want any leader of my country/company/team crying in an open forum unless it's because of death/injury/etc.

Esp in a region where women aren't viewed as equal.

Dan Wishengrad wrote:...but I like the guy...

Dan I think the reason you like Huckabee so much is because you know that if he gets the GOP nod it's an easy Blue victory :lol: . You know as well as I do whenever Huckabee takes the stage he's just dyin' to talk about JC. He reminds me so much of Bush it's scary.
Last edited by Beta on Tue Jan 08, 2008 3:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Dan Wishengrad on Tue Jan 08, 2008 3:57 pm

Sonny wrote:This topic isn't about Hucakbee, Romney, or Obama.

If her tears were authentic (and I kinda of think they were)... It's about the potential leader of the free world showing an amazing amount of weakeness.

Gee, Sonny -- could this be also about genuine tears from your fellow GOPers who have been banking on a general election campaign against a Democratic nominee with very high unfavorable numbers like Hillary? Hey bro, I'm as surprised as you guys that Hillary will just have to sniffle her way back to the Senate...
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Postby Jac Coyne on Tue Jan 08, 2008 4:02 pm

Dan Wishengrad wrote:NO candidate -- from either party -- has ever won the Presidency after losing Iowa AND New Hampshire...

Bill Clinton '92.

Crocodile tears are apropos of a cold-blooded political reptile. I hope she can rebound, though. It won't be any fun without her.
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Postby Sonny on Tue Jan 08, 2008 4:05 pm

This topic isn't about the GOP, Sonny Pieper, or the Senate.
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Postby Jolly Roger on Tue Jan 08, 2008 4:08 pm

Dan Wishengrad wrote:...Hillary is a good person...

From another board (slightly modified):

Yes, she really is a "good person".

- Good people have violated the rules of professional conduct as a lawyer in Arkansas (Whitewater) or, in the same transaction, violated several SEC rules in fraudulent investments.

- Good people have had an extra-marital affair with someone and then use their power as first lady of the nation to blackmail that individual, promising to ruin him, resulting in him committing sucide (then she used her power to collect the suicide note from Washington D.C. police and had it destroyed).

- Good people have sold themselves as feminists and then help their spouses discredit and ruin the spouse's mistresses, personally and professionally.

- Good people have blamed opposing political parties for their own spouses' felonies (obstruction of justice and perjury) -- "Vast right-wing conspiracy."

- Good people have fired White House staff without cause or notice.

- Good people are claiming to have 35 years' experience but then refusing to turn over White House memos to prove such experience.

She's a win-at-all-cost fraud whose level of deceit and manipulation is unmatched

I found this thought provoking and will go on the record as believing her emotional display was encouraged by her campaign to improve her abysmal likability numbers.
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Postby peterwho on Tue Jan 08, 2008 4:15 pm

Roger, Roger!

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Postby Beta on Tue Jan 08, 2008 4:30 pm

Ok ok ok so lemme get this straight....Hilary kicks men out of a speech of hers for chanting "iron my shirt!" and wearing shirts that say "iron my shirt" on them....


and then says:

"Ah, the remnants of sexism - alive and well," Senator Clinton said to applause, the Associated Press reported.

"As I think has been abundantly demonstrated, I am also running to break through the highest and hardest glass ceiling."

And now sometime later she's crying on camera talking about the pressure she's under....?

Way to fight through all those stereotypes Hilary!

Please allow me to condemn people that make Polish jokes as I slam the screen door on my submarine in a fit of rage.
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Postby laxfan25 on Tue Jan 08, 2008 4:54 pm

Jolly Roger wrote: Yes, she really is a "good person".

- Good people have violated the rules of professional conduct as a lawyer in Arkansas (Whitewater) or, in the same transaction, violated several SEC rules in fraudulent investments.

And the convictions for these actions? How much was spent on the Whitewater investigations, and what were the charges filed against B&H?

Jolly Roger wrote: - Good people have had an extra-marital affair with someone and then use their power as first lady of the nation to blackmail that individual, promising to ruin him, resulting in him committing sucide (then she used her power to collect the suicide note from Washington D.C. police and had it destroyed).

Good rumor and innuendo. How about some proof of an affair, blackmailing, etc.?

Jolly Roger wrote:- Good people have sold themselves as feminists and then help their spouses discredit and ruin the spouse's mistresses, personally and professionally.
A very embarassing chapter for bill. What exactly was Hilary's role beside standing by her man while gritting her teeth?

Jolly Roger wrote:- Good people have blamed opposing political parties for their own spouses' felonies (obstruction of justice and perjury) -- "Vast right-wing conspiracy."
With a very strong element of truth behind the allegations. Just have to look at the venom spewed at Hilary to see that kernel of truth there.

Jolly Roger wrote:- Good people have fired White House staff without cause or notice.
Travel staff, as opposed to firing 8 US Attorneys without cause or notice?

Jolly Roger wrote:- Good people are claiming to have 35 years' experience but then refusing to turn over White House memos to prove such experience.
I agree, I'd like to see those records released, but I'll leave that to the ex-President.

Jolly Roger wrote: She's a win-at-all-cost fraud whose level of deceit and manipulation is unmatched
Yes, she's a tough politician, but the level of deceit and manipulation has had the all-time records set with the outgoing administration.

Jolly Roger wrote:I found this thought provoking and will go on the record as believing her emotional display was encouraged by her campaign to improve her abysmal likability numbers.
I guess she won't be counting on your vote. Lay off the kool-aid.
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Postby Ben Clark on Tue Jan 08, 2008 7:03 pm

Sonny wrote:
Ben Clark wrote:I HATE when this kind of stuff gets blown out of proportion. Happens every election.

What type of "stuff" are you talking about Ben?

When something other than a political issue is made the main focus of a candidate's ability to do their job. Hillary's emotion, Dean's yell, etc. I can't think of any examples of it on the Republican side, but I'm sure it has happened there, too. If I were to give it a name, I would call it the Jerry Springer effect. People just want to see other people crumble.
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