Matthews Interview with Valerie Plame Wilson

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Postby BigheadTodd on Sun Oct 28, 2007 1:18 am

I voted for nader because at the time of the last election, I lived in utah and any vote for a democrat would have been wasted, so I voted for the guy from Winsted to try and qualify him for federal campaign finanacing next election. I wonder, has a democrat ever gotten Utah's electoral votes?
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Postby Dan Wishengrad on Sun Oct 28, 2007 1:43 pm

BigheadTodd wrote:Possibly one of the best exchanges on the boards in a while..But come on now Dan, have you never seen one of SoHots posts? I voted for Nader and even I think SoHot is a little far left.

But come on now yourself, Biggie. I'm old and forgetful and I almost never can remember who said what, and when. I usually remember that Sonny and the Buckster are pretty far to the right of me, but then I forget that also when they post something I actually agree with.

I love debating politics, I really miss hanging with some of my GOP friends from the Cali Legislature who I used to get into it with. I remember one night having drinks with a mixed crowd over at the politcos' hangout (Frank Fat's) and arguing jovially with this new radio personality just in from KC (I think he said his name was Rush Limberger, or something like that). He was actually pretty soft-spoken and humble, much different from his radio persona which was, at the time, kinda bombastic and over-the-top. Not sure whatever happened to this fellow, but someone once told me he got a national audience and really mellowed out over the years.
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Postby sohotrightnow on Sun Oct 28, 2007 2:17 pm

Are you speaking negatively of Rush Limbaugh? How dare you attack his patriotism! He wears a flag pin. Do you? Yeah, didn't think so. The man speaks the truth. I tune in to 560 KSFO all day and his 3 hour block is by far the best. Melanie Morgan and Lee Rodgers are on before him, but they aren't edgy enough for me. Rodgers' voice is also kind of creepy. On a side note, I recently bought Rush's fitness video and it is working wonders.
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Postby Steno on Sun Oct 28, 2007 7:37 pm

Lots of pills involved, I trust.
Matt Stenovec
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