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Postby laxfan25 on Fri Oct 19, 2007 10:49 am

Jolly Roger wrote:
laxfan25 wrote:It'll be good to have a Clinton back behind the desk at the White House! :o

Let's just see if this one can keep the interns out from under it though :twisted:

Yes, I left that bait out there wondering who would take it! RRrroger!
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Postby Jolly Roger on Fri Oct 19, 2007 11:18 am

Hey, a layup is still worth 2 points...
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Postby Dan Wishengrad on Fri Oct 19, 2007 11:28 am

UofMLaxGoalie11 wrote:Nice. I ended up with every single republican scoring higher than every single democrat. Although I will give no credit to this test because Stephen Colbert is not an option.

Hmmmmm.... Stephen Colbert is a self-confessed, liberal Democrat, and his t.v. personae is intended to poke fun at what Colbert has referred to as "the angry, white, right-wing blow-hards" who dominate talk-radio and the FAUX-tv channel.

This is called sarcasm, and the show is on Comedy Central, after all. Could anybody possibly have missed this point?
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Postby OAKS on Fri Oct 19, 2007 11:45 am

Dan Wishengrad wrote:LOL I took it and it said I should vote for Dennis Kucinich. Sorry, but I don't believe in wasting my vote on a candidate that has no chance of possibly winning!

It's thinking like this that will end us up with more of the same in the White House. I think you'll find many, many people would choose Kucinich if they voted strictly by the issues they want and not for the name beside the person or who the media has told them to pick.

Get your friends to visit that site and to look at the issues. You may be surprised at the results. It's our country, and we should be able to elect anyone we want. In my humble opinion, you're going to see the most positive change with Kucinich, Mike Gravel or Ron Paul.
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Postby Dan Wishengrad on Fri Oct 19, 2007 12:05 pm

Sorry, Will... I spent too many years actually working in politics and a lifetime of volunteering for candidates and issues regardless of my actual vocation at the time. I understand how national elections work and am first and foremost a pragmatist.

Representatives Kucinich and Paul are both decent, thoughtful men and honorable public servants in the truest sense of the term. But both have ZERO chance to win anything larger than the their own congressional districts. Neither could likely even win a statewide race in their home state. The person who wins the Presidency in '08 will be either the nominee of the Democratic or Republican parties. Feel free to vote for whomever your conscience dictates, certainly.

But voting for anybody else -- including a third-party candidate -- will likely have an unintended consequence, as many of my friends who voted for Ralph Nader in 2000 came to realize, and too late.

PS I might actually heed your advice and vote for Kucinich in the primary -- provided he is still in the race when Washington's turn comes along. But I sure won't "waste" my vote come the general election...
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Postby Jolly Roger on Fri Oct 19, 2007 12:35 pm

Dan Wishengrad wrote: PS I might actually heed your advice and vote for Kucinich in the primary -- provided he is still in the race when Washington's turn comes along. But I sure won't "waste" my vote come the general election...

But doesn't this end up perpetuating the problem that the best candidate doesn't get elected? There's nothing wrong with voting for a candidate that doesn't win - it's not a "wasted" vote. A wasted vote is one not cast.
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Postby sohotrightnow on Fri Oct 19, 2007 12:40 pm

Hmmmmm.... Stephen Colbert is a self-confessed, liberal Democrat, and his t.v. personae is intended to poke fun at what Colbert has referred to as "the angry, white, right-wing blow-hards" who dominate talk-radio and the FAUX-tv channel.

He did announce his intention to run yesterday actually, serious or not. Oh my, I can only imagine what would happen if people voted for him.

http://www.abcnews.go.com/Entertainment ... 746&page=1
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Postby Dan Wishengrad on Fri Oct 19, 2007 12:46 pm

sohotrightnow wrote:
Hmmmmm.... Stephen Colbert is a self-confessed, liberal Democrat, and his t.v. personae is intended to poke fun at what Colbert has referred to as "the angry, white, right-wing blow-hards" who dominate talk-radio and the FAUX-tv channel.

He did announce his intention to run yesterday actually, serious or not. Oh my, I can only imagine what would happen if people voted for him.

http://www.abcnews.go.com/Entertainment ... 746&page=1

Yep, Colbert announced his plans to run only in his home state of South Carolina as both a Democrat AND a Republican.

What constitutes a "wasted" vote is certainly up to interpretation. Every election some people go to the polls and cast a write-in vote for Mickey Mouse, for Superman, for Britney Spears, etc.. This is certainly their right to do so, regardless what I or anyone else believes.
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Postby BB on Fri Oct 19, 2007 1:08 pm

Was it Sweden where Daffy Duck was actually voted in to office they were so mad with their options. It was a few years back but from what I heard the public was actually out campaigning for him.

The Quiz had me spot on with McCain. No if only we could agree on a 3 state Iraq and stem cell research it would be perfect.

I would love to get an expanded version of this, as it did help me get my thoughts straight.
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Postby OAKS on Fri Oct 19, 2007 1:35 pm

Dan Wishengrad wrote:Representatives Kucinich and Paul are both decent, thoughtful men and honorable public servants in the truest sense of the term. But both have ZERO chance to win anything larger than the their own congressional districts. Neither could likely even win a statewide race in their home state. The person who wins the Presidency in '08 will be either the nominee of the Democratic or Republican parties. Feel free to vote for whomever your conscience dictates, certainly.

But voting for anybody else -- including a third-party candidate -- will likely have an unintended consequence, as many of my friends who voted for Ralph Nader in 2000 came to realize, and too late.

I'm not saying vote for them as 3rd party candidates, I'm saying get the word out now and educate your friends as to why Kucinich best fits your views, and get people out to the primaries so they have a chance at the nomination (even though parties don't even have to nominate the winners of the primaries as their candidate).

It's evident change isn't going to come from the top - it's got to be us commoners who say we want something new. I know the system well enough, but it's still possible to rock the boat from within if you get enough people, money, and passion. Take a look at Ron Paul's grass roots campaign, it's amazing. I don't support him, but he's winning virtually all of the debates, has the most military donations on the Republican side, and has raised millions in only a few weeks. The traditional media is now starting to wake up to him. 2nd tier candidates can jump to the front, especially in this day and age, but only so long as we're not apathetic.
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Postby Dan Wishengrad on Fri Oct 19, 2007 1:51 pm

OAKS wrote:
Dan Wishengrad wrote:Representatives Kucinich and Paul are both decent, thoughtful men and honorable public servants in the truest sense of the term. But both have ZERO chance to win anything larger than the their own congressional districts. Neither could likely even win a statewide race in their home state. The person who wins the Presidency in '08 will be either the nominee of the Democratic or Republican parties. Feel free to vote for whomever your conscience dictates, certainly.

But voting for anybody else -- including a third-party candidate -- will likely have an unintended consequence, as many of my friends who voted for Ralph Nader in 2000 came to realize, and too late.

I'm not saying vote for them as 3rd party candidates, I'm saying get the word out now and educate your friends as to why Kucinich best fits your views, and get people out to the primaries so they have a chance at the nomination (even though parties don't even have to nominate the winners of the primaries as their candidate).

It's evident change isn't going to come from the top - it's got to be us commoners who say we want something new. I know the system well enough, but it's still possible to rock the boat from within if you get enough people, money, and passion. Take a look at Ron Paul's grass roots campaign, it's amazing. I don't support him, but he's winning virtually all of the debates, has the most military donations on the Republican side, and has raised millions in only a few weeks. The traditional media is now starting to wake up to him. 2nd tier candidates can jump to the front, especially in this day and age, but only so long as we're not apathetic.

I have never said that Kucinich best fits my views. I only said that by taking this little quiz "Who to Vote For" that IT said I should vote for Kucinich. I'm actually NOT as liberal as he is, I've grown much more conservative over the years, especially on fiscal matters. I agree with many Republican deficit-hawks that the old cliched Democratic answer to simply throw money at a problem and create big, new bureaucracies isn't always the answer to our problems. Of course there aren't many deficit hawks even left in the GOP, it seems, outside of guys like Ron Paul. It is the Republicans under Bush ("Deficits don't matter!") who have squandered our surplus and created the largest deficit ever. It is this administration that argued giving tax breaks to the rich when we have a budget surplus and to give tax breaks to the rich when we have a buidget deficit are both the correct course of action.

And whether we agree with the war in Iraq or not, the simple truth is we are there and there is no easy way out. If you support the war, why don't you support a tax increase to pay for it and a national draft to give us the soldiers we so desperately need to fight it? War has ALWAYS meant sacrifice, or at least it always did before the "chicken hawks" who got us into this one were put in charge. The only ones sacrificing now, it seems, are the brave men and women who are over there fighting, and their loved ones here who have seen them die or be permanently wounded. Why exactly did this Administration forbid anyone from showing video or still photos of caskets coming home from Iraq, by the way?
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Postby Zeuslax on Mon Oct 22, 2007 10:19 am

No offense, but I wonder how many actually know what the candidates stand for? Let's remove the polarizing options and get down to actual operations.

That quiz told me that my top two candidates are Obama and Clinton, which is ridiculous. While I'm quite indifferent towards Obama, I cannot stand Hillary Clinton.

Maybe you can't stand Hillary's personality, the way she laughs (kills me) or stage presence? Maybe you two philosophically align and you don't even know it? I'm sure you would know that by now though. Also, I don't think many on here would really support Ron Paul if you examined his actual positions on the issues. His stances are on the fringe when you look closely at his politics. He's exciting right now, because he's able to speak his mind (unelectable = speak mind right?) and his Iraq opinions/thoughts fire many up. But, his politics................
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Andy's Latest

Postby Dan Wishengrad on Tue Oct 23, 2007 9:53 am

Hilarious new Borowitz column on the election:

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