5,000,000 missing White House emails due to upgrade

Non-lacrosse specific topics.

Postby Beta on Fri May 02, 2008 6:25 am

Jac Coyne wrote:Beta, I'm not sure if you were zinging me or Oaks, but that made me laugh.

I zing Oaks like it's my j to the izob.
Barry Badrinath: Oh man, that's the most disgusting thing I've ever drank.
Landfill: I doubt that very much, playboy
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Postby Gvlax on Fri May 02, 2008 6:39 am

The American government is incapable of running a working state run program... but that doesn't mean all other governments aren't as dumb. I applaud some state run health care in other countries but at the same time know that our current government is no where near capable of sustaining a working health care system...kind of depressing to think about.
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