The latest in crime

Non-lacrosse specific topics.

Postby UofMLaxGoalie11 on Fri Feb 22, 2008 2:20 am

umdulax1 wrote:Another big issue on the issue of theft is the amount of vacant foreclosed homes that are being broken into and stripped of all copper wiring, copper plumbing lines, aluminum siding, ducting etc. That leaves that bank in a bit of predicament and the neighbors that have these houses sitting next to theirs as well.

Another issue around town here is houses that are foreclosed on when the banks are in florida, california, arizona or somewhere else thats warm. Around here, when houses are repossessed, they are supposed to have the utilities shut off to them. Southern banks dont always do this, so when winter comes around, pipes burst and cause massive damage to the house. This makes the house sit on the market longer and drives down neighboring property values.
Dan Reeves
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Postby umdulax1 on Mon Feb 25, 2008 1:17 pm

UofMLaxGoalie11 wrote:
umdulax1 wrote:Another big issue on the issue of theft is the amount of vacant foreclosed homes that are being broken into and stripped of all copper wiring, copper plumbing lines, aluminum siding, ducting etc. That leaves that bank in a bit of predicament and the neighbors that have these houses sitting next to theirs as well.

Another issue around town here is houses that are foreclosed on when the banks are in florida, california, arizona or somewhere else thats warm. Around here, when houses are repossessed, they are supposed to have the utilities shut off to them. Southern banks dont always do this, so when winter comes around, pipes burst and cause massive damage to the house. This makes the house sit on the market longer and drives down neighboring property values.

Trust me I know, being in the contracting/remodeling business I had the 'joyous' opportunity to go into 6 foreclosed houses last week as we received a call from a maintenance company to attempt to winterize the homes take pictures etc. etc. etc. Of those 6 homes 5 had the utilities shut off prior to being winterized and of those five homes 4 had hot water boiler systems that now had broken radiators and broken pipes, all the toilets were frozen, broken hot and cold water lines all over the place. Talk about a mess! Sub zero weather for 3 weeks in a row will do that to a place!

One would think that the banks/mortgage companies that were taking over these homes would think first about calling the utility companies at least for the heat source prior to getting someone inside to winterize and drain all the systems.
Sam Litman
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