What is more narcissistic?

Non-lacrosse specific topics.

What is more narcissistic?

Postby KnoxVegas on Thu Oct 25, 2007 2:27 am

I am out on the west coast this week and this morning I was listening to the Adam Corolla show and he began discussing Mariah Carey. He posits the question: Is it more narcissistic to think that one's ability is god given than to think that one's talents are better than someone else's

You thoughts?
Last edited by KnoxVegas on Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby peterwho on Thu Oct 25, 2007 1:16 pm

An interesting question.

I think the way one answers the question will reveal a lot about themselves.

If you believe that god singles out individuals (plays favorites) when giving gifts, you will probably vote that it is the former. You probably believe that the economy is a zero-sum game - for the someone to get rich, someone else has to get poorer.

If you believe that god gives some form of gift to everyone in a way that the use of those gifts serves a higher purpose, you will probably vote the latter.

When it comes to artistic talent, and more specifically music, it is VERY difficult to agree on "better".

For example, Mark Knopfler (Dire Straits) may be a great technical guitar player. However, Jimi Hendrix is often voted the Greatest Guitarist of All Time. So, would it be narcisisstic of Jimi to say he's better than Mark, especially, when he has a poll to support his claim.
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