Dan Wishengrad wrote:Representatives Kucinich and Paul are both decent, thoughtful men and honorable public servants in the truest sense of the term. But both have ZERO chance to win anything larger than the their own congressional districts. Neither could likely even win a statewide race in their home state. The person who wins the Presidency in '08 will be either the nominee of the Democratic or Republican parties. Feel free to vote for whomever your conscience dictates, certainly.
But voting for anybody else -- including a third-party candidate -- will likely have an unintended consequence, as many of my friends who voted for Ralph Nader in 2000 came to realize, and too late.
I'm not saying vote for them as 3rd party candidates, I'm saying get the word out now and educate your friends as to why Kucinich best fits your views, and get people out to the primaries so they have a chance at the nomination (even though parties don't even have to nominate the winners of the primaries as their candidate).
It's evident change isn't going to come from the top - it's got to be us commoners who say we want something new. I know the system well enough, but it's still possible to rock the boat from within if you get enough people, money, and passion. Take a look at Ron Paul's grass roots campaign, it's amazing. I don't support him, but he's winning virtually all of the debates, has the most military donations on the Republican side, and has raised millions in only a few weeks. The traditional media is now starting to wake up to him. 2nd tier candidates can jump to the front, especially in this day and age, but only so long as we're not apathetic.