Avast ye land lubbers. Batton down the hatches, pour me a pint of ale and bring on the wenches - or yer in line fer a keel-hauling!
It's talk like a pirate day!
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ARRRRG!!!!!! Everyone enjoys a good Rogering!
Jolly Roger - Pirate Supreme
- Posts: 606
- Joined: Fri Jul 08, 2005 12:07 pm
- Location: Your worst maritime nightmares
It not be common knowledge mateys, but pirates be keepin the temp down.
Yar, thanks Jolly Roger, fer fightin da global warmin!
P.S. I will be emailin ya several inappropriate pirate jokes later taday!

Yar, thanks Jolly Roger, fer fightin da global warmin!
P.S. I will be emailin ya several inappropriate pirate jokes later taday!
Adam Gamradt | www.minnesotalacrosse.org | "It's better to have a part interest in the Hope Diamond than to own all of a rhinestone." -Warren Buffet
Adam Gamradt - All-Conference
- Posts: 457
- Joined: Mon Mar 14, 2005 11:25 am
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