Rush Limbough... biggest jerk ever?

Non-lacrosse specific topics.

Postby peterwho on Mon Oct 30, 2006 3:20 pm

Jana wrote:Reading this thread makes me realize how little I know about stem cell research. Limbaugh still made a cheap shot. If there is a silver lining in all of this, Fox's advocacy got even wider play in the media, to even greater sympathy.

Any suggestions on what to read to improve my understanding of stem cell research (hopefully using layman's terminology)?

When in doubt, try wikipedia (

It is an informative place to start by identifying the topic and the controversy in a rather neutral voice.

Rush Limbaugh is only the voice for Rush Limbaugh. The more he can do to hear others speak his name, the better his ratings, the more money he makes... He's an entertainer. Period.

Rush's comments made me look at the ad in question and research a bit the allegations. However, upon further review, I agree that Michael J. Fox has a right to advocate his position. He has a terrible disease. He believes that human embryonic stem cell research may/will provide a potential treatment or cure. If he wants to put his time and effort into a commercial or personal appearances advocating this position - more power to him. If he chooses to appear in public without his medication, that's his choice and it's none of my business.

My conclusion: Rush's comments were crass and in no way served to enhance the discussion of this issue.

On the other hand, please don't call me a Right-Wing, Neo-Con, Fundamentalist Christian (and a host of other derogatory names) because I believe that there are some ethical questions that must be grappled with in a very practical manner before we open the flood gates to human embryonic stem cell research and the manufacture of human embryonic stem cell-based medicines. If you do, you're no better than Rush.
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