Vitter & Craig to Protect the Institution of Marriage

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Vitter & Craig to Protect the Institution of Marriage

Postby OAKS on Sat Jun 28, 2008 2:55 pm

I think my favorite headline from all this is from

The Senator with the Hooker Problem and the Senator with the Wide Stance Have Teamed Up to Save the Institution of Marriage
Will Oakley
Assistant Coach, Glen Allen High School
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Postby Steno on Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:33 pm

That's the silliest thing I've heard in a while.

I would love one person to come up with a defensible reason why the institution of marriage needs protection from homosexuals. I don't care if you're a republican't, democry-baby, or whatever, just please someone tell me what the heck is wrong with two men or two women having a state-recognized union that is precisely similar in both name and privileges as what the heteros enjoy.

Oh, and the Bible doesn't count, as it does not speak to this issue.

Come on, someone out in the lax interwebs has to disagree with me.
Matt Stenovec
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Postby OAKS on Sat Jun 28, 2008 7:56 pm

While I respect people's opinion of being for or against gay marriage, when you're a senator who has engaged in extramarital activity and are sponsoring a bill that "... may be cited as the `Marriage Protection Amendment'", you're an idiot and shouldn't be in office.
Will Oakley
Assistant Coach, Glen Allen High School
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Postby LaxRef on Sat Jun 28, 2008 8:15 pm

Steno wrote:That's the silliest thing I've heard in a while.

I would love one person to come up with a defensible reason why the institution of marriage needs protection from homosexuals. I don't care if you're a republican't, democry-baby, or whatever, just please someone tell me what the heck is wrong with two men or two women having a state-recognized union that is precisely similar in both name and privileges as what the heteros enjoy.

Oh, and the Bible doesn't count, as it does not speak to this issue.

Come on, someone out in the lax interwebs has to disagree with me.

First of all, congrats on the Ultimate Frisbee Championship. Seriously. My team won the all-university intramural championship at the University of Chicago in 1987.

Sorry, but I'm not going to disagree with you. I can't see how two consenting adults in love with each other can hurt anyone with what they do behind closed doors. (As one stand-up comic said, it would be different if they were screwing on your front lawn and you had to mow around them every week.)

Basically, I see it as the same as most other forms of discrimination: people want to believe other people are inferior to make themselves seem better by comparison somehow. Not cool.
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Postby KnoxVegas on Sun Jun 29, 2008 7:38 am

There are thousands of children in foster care that could go to loving homes that are kept in the system because some states continue to not allow lesbian and gays to adopt.

It is not a learned behavior. The fact that Vitter and Craig are doing this is ridiculous but never left hypocrisy get in the way, gentlemen.
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