tournament pictures

The 2013 tournament returns to Greenville, SC this May.

tournament pictures

Postby naptownlax on Tue May 16, 2006 12:13 am

first, i'd just like to throw a big ol thanks and tons of appreciation to dave adams for the awesome photo coverage of the championships. as ever, the quality of the shots is superb, and its been great having the best ones picked out from each day to get a good survey of all the different games.

one question follows...
will it be possible for teams to get ahold all of the pictures taken from each respective game? i know last year we were able to get ahold of them, but just didn't know if there was the possibility of getting ahold of them this year, or if there was a time table for that. thanks again to everyone who provided coverage (in an impressive plethora of forms this year) this year. you all deserve our unending thanks.
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Postby Sonny on Tue May 16, 2006 6:04 am

Dave provides all teams with a CD of the tournament pictures for their private use.

The timetable is later this summer. Dave takes upwards of 6000 pictures a day for 5 days in a row. The editing and filing process takes a while, as does the posting/uploading on my end.

Your patience is appreciated. It might not be until August/September time-frame until all of them are posted. I will be gone most of July.
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Postby COlaxer on Mon May 22, 2006 4:11 pm

I would also like to thank Dave. My family loves pictures of me playing and it's great to have him out there.
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Postby gogators! on Tue May 23, 2006 11:07 am

Thanks guys. It's a lot of fun shooting them. Editing on the other hand is not so fun so bear with me. Should have each day edited in a week and a half or so. Will be e-mailing the coaches for addresses when they are complete.

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