Tuesday's most surprising game?

The 2013 tournament returns to Greenville, SC this May.

Tuesday's most surprising game?

Postby PSLguy on Sat May 12, 2007 11:26 pm

Michigan vs Northeastern according to laxpower (ahem) will be the closest game on tuesday (at a glance). Michigan has gotten a lot of flack this year and many tthink they are undeserving of a 4 seed. They are matched up against a PCLL team, a league that has never reached the second day winner's bracket. Has anyone seen both of these teams play?

NU has gotten a few testimonials for solid play, but when it comes down to brass tacks in the champshionship tourney what do people think? Obviously there are several intriguing matchups in the first round, this game throws together two of the big question marks of the season. Seems like no matter who wins it won't really answer too many questions.
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